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{Kellin's POV}

"Wake up sweetie, you need to start packing" My mom spoke softly. "It's to early" I groan as I roll over in my bed pulling the covers up. "It's noon and I made breakfast, hurry up before its cold!" She said while walking out the door.

I threw on some black skinny jeans and a linkin park t-shirt, quickly brushed my black shoulder length hair not straightening it and ran down the stairs.

After breakfast I got straight to work packing up some of my stuff. Once I was done packing one box I decide to call it a day.

I was half way through bring me the horizon's hospital for souls when I heard a loud crash and some yelling. I sneaked out of my room and down the stairs to see that my dad was home drunk out of his mind. My parents were having one of their famous fights; these included screaming and breaking things around the house. I had to get out before my dad saw me.

Luckily I managed to escape safely. I got my phone and dialed the number of my best friend.





"Hey Matty it's me Kellin"

"Oh hey! Everything okay?"

"Yeah their just fighting again... Could I come over?"

"Of course dude

anytime! See ya in a few!"


And the line went dead


As I got to Matty's it just started to rain. I got to the door and knocked three times. His mom opened the door with a smile "come on in Kellin, he's up in his room, just walk in". "Thanks Mrs. Mullins".

I ran up the stairs two at a time. The door was cracked open. I opened it a bit more and walked in remembering all of the memories this room holds. This is where I confessed to the first person, Matty that I was gay, where I broke my arm while trying to be a ninja by jumping off the dresser when I was ten, where I had my first drink this New Years(I know what you're thinking but, Kellin you're only 18! Who cares!).

"Yo Kellin!" Matty shouted interrupting my dream like state. "What?". "I called your name like ten times!" He exclaimed. "Sorry Matty... Hey do you remember when I told you about applying to that university in San Diego?". "Yeah, did they accept you?!?!". "Yup I'm leaving in a week! I'm so excited to get out of Oregon for once in my life!". "That's great Kellin! I'm proud to call you my best friend, you're going places! I can see it now man! Kellin Bostwick the best singer alive..." Matty spoke as if he was an announcer moving his hands in the air dramatically with a dazed look on his face.

"Eh if that was to ever happen I don't think I like Bostwick, it doesn't sound right". Matty sat there contemplating something and then his face lit up "How about Kellin Quinn?!" Hm Kellin Quinn, I like it! I've always preferred my middle name anyways "cool, I like it" I said.


After playing some games and watching some movies it was getting late and I had to go home. I said my good byes and walked home in silence.

When I got home, no one was there. Typical. My dads probably getting drunk while my mom is at work.

I fell on to my bed and let the darkness of sleep blur my vision.


Hey! This is my first Kellic so please be patient with me. Don't know when I will continue. I guess I will if people actually read this. Love ya!

~Good bye my awkward potato flowers!

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