Chapter One

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An scarlet haired boy peaked around the corner of the Guilds walls, his hazel eyes locking onto an azure haired girl sitting at a table talking to his fellow guild mate.

The boys' name was Samuel, Samuel Fernandez. He was the son on Erza Scarlet and Jellal Fernandez. The girl he was spying on right now was his older twin, Aze Scarlet. Both of them were fifteen years old and two of the Three S-Class mages of their generation. The boy she was talking to was Xavier Dreyar, son of Mirajane and Guild Master Laxus.

Xavier had short blonde hair, tipped white. His eyes were gray and his guild mark white. He was also the other S-Class Mage in their generation. Also he was sixteen years old, soon to be seventeen.

Samuel quietly started to tiptoe behind, Aze, waiting for the right chance to scare her. As he did a shoe came flying through the air and hit him in the face. "WHO THE HELL DID THAT?!" He roared, glancing around. His eyes laid on a pink haired girl with green eyes and a blue haired boy with blue eyes.

The girls name was Nashi Dragneel, the nine year old daughter of Lucy and Natsu. The boy was Ore Fullbuster, the eleven year old son of Juvia and Gray. "He did it!" Nashi shouted, pointing at Ore. "Did not!" Ore shouted. "SHUT UP YOU TWO!!!!" Someone screamed back. Samuel looked over his shoulder to see Ruby glaring at them. Ruby had bred eyes with black spiky hair. She loved her hair besides the blue stripe in it that would stick out in the weirdest places. She was the fourteen year old daughter of Levy and Gajeel.

"Why don't you shut up, you're making my ears bleed." Ore hissed rubbing his ears. Ruby growled, her first becoming a block on iron as she leapt at them. Yup, she was an Iron Dragon Slayer.

Ore raised his hands as a ice shield came around him. "Ice Make, Water Bomb!" He shouted, sending ball shaped ice at Ruby. The ones that hit her shattered and water poured all over her. Nashi burst out laughing as she saw Ruby's hair get soaked to the point that it was all perfectly flat.

"Shut it, Nashi." Ruby hissed, stomping away to a corresponding table where a blonde haired boy sat. He was Forest Strauss, son of Evergreen and Elfman. Forest wore gray framed glasses that covered his yellow eyes to keep from turning people to stone.

"Hey Samuel, saw that you got a shoe to the face." Xavier chuckled as Samuel walked over to his sister and the moron. "Not funny, Xavier." Samuel said, sitting next to Aze. "It was hilarious!" Aze shouted, falling onto the floor laughing. Xavier and Samuel sweat dropped at her carefreeness.

"Here you go, Xavier." A girl said, placing a cup down in front of the boy. "Thanks sis." He said, taking a swing of his drink. Xavier's sisters name was Lisa, she had white hair with some blonde highlights and gray eyes. She was fourteen and worked behind the bar with her mother and a few others.

"Hey is Aze alright?" Lisa asked, stepping by the giggling Aze. "She's laughing at me from when I took the shoe to the face." Samuel sighed. Lisa giggled and walked away. "Well shit, even your sister laughed at me." Samuel groaned. "Who wouldn't?" Xavier asked. "Igneel." Samuel stated, looking over at the small blonde haired boy. Igneel was Nashi's younger brother and was around seven years old. He had pink highlights in his hair and had light blue eyes.

"Guess your right." Xavier said, shrugging. "HEY DIMWITS, IM GRABBING A JOB!!!!" Ruby shouted from across the room. "Damn Ruby, like I'd care if you left." Ore groaned. "Hey! Why don't we just grab an S-Class job and all of us could go on a job together." Aze suggested, crawling up on her seat. "That would mean I have to work with /him/!!!" Nashi exclaimed, pointing towards Ore.

"I think that's a great idea Aze. We never have done a job all together before." Forest piped up. "Okay! Then Aze's idea it is!" Xavier shouted. "Goddamn it!" Ore and Nashi growled.

Aze bolted up to the Guilds Second floor and ripped an S-Class job from the board before running downstairs. "You guys really want to go on an S-Class job all together?" Jellal asked the kids. "No." Ore and Nashi said, but their voice was drowned out by the chorus of yeses.

"Alrighty then. But you three better not let anyone get hurt or die." Mirajane said, glancing towards Xavier, Aze and Samuel. "O-Okay..." The said, backing up.

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