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"Wow.." This place never cease to amaze me. The science lab looks like something that come from year 2030. It's all white.

I looked for an empty seat.

"Psst. Hey you! The seat here is available."

There was someone whispering behind me. I think they were talking to me. I turned around and I saw a girl patting the seat telling me to sit there. Then, I sat down. The lecturer was nowhere to be seen so she took the chance to introduce herself.

The girl : "Hi, my name is Lilith Vanderwood but you can just call me Lily. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" 

Sarah : "That's a beautiful name. I'm Sarah Adler. Nice to meet you too."

Lily : "Aww.. Thanks ^^ You're so sweet. Your name is beautiful too. Say, have you heard about the rumors ?"

Sarah : "What rumors?"

Lily : "You know.. the one about 'A GIRL WAS SEEN WITH ZACK FREAKING CARSON' "

Sarah : "Oh.. What's with it? It doesn't really matter with me."

Lily : "Unfortunately for you, it does. And a VERY serious one. They said they took a picture of the girl and Mr. Model being lovey-dovey this morning. The picture looked like Zack was holding her hand. Someone posted the picture in their social account and captioned it with 'Girls, a girl named Sarah Adler was the one who called themselves Zack Carson's girlfriend.' Apparently, some of them already suspected it was you that met him last night before the latest picture was posted" .

She was talking so fast, I can only understand some of them. Me being Zack's girlfriend.. something about last night's incident..and holding hands?

Oh god. No wonder.. no matter where I go, those girls were glaring at me. It's about this huh..

This is why I don't want to be seen with him. I guess it's all too late. I should clear up this mess.

Sarah : "Lily, It was me who was with him BUT I am actually not his girlfriend. We were just old friends. Besides, I don't have any feelings for him. Neither do he. Do you any idea how to clear up this misunderstandings? "

Lily : "Well, that is not what other people see does it? It's hard to believe that there are still girls who doesn't like him. But if you say so.. And yes there is a way. Just use this app. It's called GOSSIP TALKS. Almost everyone have this app. Tell them you're not his girlfriend. It might help and if it does you gotta treat me some food ^^ "

Sarah : "Sure. Thanks Lily."

She sure can talk a lot but she is a nice girl.  She's cute too. Must be popular. Now that I look clearly, she wore a bunch of expensive and custom-made stuff from Bucci. She's a rich girl, no doubt. As I installed the app, the lecturer decided  to come in. He told us to put down our phone.

The lesson have started. I guess I'll do the explanation tomorrow. 

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