Chapter 13

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According to Wikipedia, Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant.

I learnt it there that Coffee is not just warm and energizing, it may also be extremely good for you. The active ingredient in coffee is caffeine which is a stimulant and the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world. It doesn't just keep you awake for a longer time; it may literally make you smarter as well.

All these things were proved wrong to me.

Coffee didn't make me smarter. It made me pretty dumb if I said so myself.

Remember, I had drunk black coffee with three packets of sugar that day before Nicholas talked me into being his fake girlfriend? Yes, that cup of instant diabetes had made me dumber than I normally am, because my brain had shut down and I had completely forgotten about the fact that being Nicholas Manhattan's girlfriend meant not only lying to the world – but also lying to James and his sons along with lying to everyone who meant something to me – Brody was not included in that list.

And that is what I did. I lied. Again and again. To everyone who meant something to me in my life – Skylar, Kate, Matthew and Christopher; to everyone who meant everything to me in my life – James, Paige, Dale and Finn. I lied to everyone like there was no tomorrow and drowned myself in the guilt. I lied until everyone I knew started to blindly believe me and my lies, just the way I had wanted them to.

That day after Nicholas had left the café – not before openly kissing my cheek in front of everyone; part of the act he told me, but I really think that it was just to annoy me – I had lied to Kate and Skylar that day, telling them that he was my boyfriend and we just patched up after a small fight. He had told me that he will be back later that afternoon to take me dress shopping and I had three hours to make my friends believe that he was indeed my boyfriend who I had been dating secretly for about two weeks now.

Skylar had been squealing like a little girl the moment the word 'boyfriend' came out of my mouth because she had always wanted me to move on from Logan and to finally hear that I have was a pretty big thing for her. On the other hand, Kate had not really believed me. And she was right to not believe me too. She had every right to be suspicious about me and Nicholas after our behavior in the public lately.

Just a few days ago, we were at each other's throats, ready to push each other down even at the smallest chance that we got. Nicholas had showed up at the place that I work and talked like an idiot to Kate, with the only aim of creating a ruckus in our relationship; more than what we already had, but the thing was he didn't even know what our problem with each other was – he was so blinded by his rage on me that he didn't even think things through.

All that being said, Kate had a lot of things to ask me and in return, I had a lot of lies to tell her. I deserve some kind of award for coming with all those lies so fast – more like half lies. I had some kind of half-lie to every question that she asked me that even I was stunned with myself.

How did you meet him?

Through James, of course. He is James' son. James wanted me to work for Nicholas, but instead of getting into a professional relationship, we got into a romantic one – I internally snorted at that.

Does James know about this?

Of course not. Not yet.

He doesn't look like your type – Of course, Kate would know this.

I know. But you cannot help what you feel or for who you feel. My feelings for Nicholas Manhattan were something like that. I couldn't help it. Somewhere between his smart talks, his handsome face, his breathtaking smile, I developed feelings for him and it couldn't be stopped – I wanted to barf.

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