Chapter 27

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"Ooh, how about that shop?" Skylar pointed, pulling me along with her as she went.

Groaning, I let her pull me to wherever she wanted. Lord, the things that I do for friendship. A big crowd of people passed by us, effectively, fortunately or unfortunately separating Skylar and me. Instead of looking around for me like a normal human being though, Sky just ran towards the shop that she had just pointed at, not once looking back or checking on me. Pulling the scarf tighter around my neck, I sighed, looking at my overly hyper friend as she navigated her way around, looking more like a kid on sugar high rather the adult that she was.

"I should've stayed home," I mumbled, berating myself a little as I followed after her. Sky had called me in the morning asking me to accompany her to the mall to find the perfect gift for Kate; her birthday was next month and Sky wanted to do something special for it. Considering that I had a late evening shift at the café today, I had agreed to go with her, but if I had known that she'd be like this, I'd have faked an unknown sickness or something.

Before I could enter the shop though, Sky emerged out of it, a small pout in her face, but still a bounce in her step nonetheless. "Nothing there. Let's go there." She pointed to another random shop before running off towards it leaving me to follow after her.

I hitched my bag higher up my shoulder as I stopped to rest my legs a little while later. We'd been walking for a really long time that I could actually hear my legs screaming out in pain, pleading with me to just stop walking for some time. Running a hand through my hair, I looked to my side, unintentionally looking through the glass window of Tiffany's and looking at the bright diamond antique necklace that they had placed at the window display.

My breath hitched and my eyes started to sting a little once I recognized the vaguely familiar emerald necklace that was on the display right before me. It used to belong to my mother. The same necklace that was confiscated from our house when we lost everything after my mom died.

Taking in a deep breath, I leaned against the railing, still looking at the necklace, but my attention snapped the moment I looked little to the right and saw someone that I didn't want to see right now exiting the shop. Elijah.

He stopped dead in his tracks, looking at me, his eyes still ice cold – but what made me want to gasp was the person standing next to him; Mia, my almost step sister.

Mia was hanging onto Elijah's arm, one of her hands playing with the necklace hanging off her neck – an elegant, thin necklace with a small solitaire diamond pendent hanging off it. I can only guess who got her that, considering that they were just stepping out of the very shop that sold it.

I watched with baited breath as Elijah's jaw clenched, his eyes suddenly lighting up with the same fire that I've seen in his eyes oh so many times now. Mia looked up at Elijah, frowning, probably wondering the reason for his change in demeanor. When her eyes followed his and landed on the reason, aka me, it widened, something akin to fear flashing in her eyes.

"Hayley!" she exclaimed, stepping away from Elijah and rushing to where I stood.

"Mia," I breathed, my voice coming out as pained gasp, even to my own ears sounds forced.

"What are you doing here, Hayley?" she asked after taking in a deep breath, "Why are you standing here? Have you been following us?"

Wow. Way to make it sound like the entire world was revolving around you, Mia.

"Mia," I forced out her name, suddenly just saying it out aloud was hurting my throat, "This is a mall; a public place. And I'm here with a friend."

She crossed her arms across her chest, raising a perfect eyebrow at me, "Really? So you happen to be standing here all alone when you came here with a friend? That too the exact same time that I was here with Elijah."

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