Chapter 14

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Brandon Hastings.

The founder and CEO of Falcon Entertainment Company. The company operates a record label, talent agency, film, music and television Production Company, as well as a music publishing house. It was an all-around company, with their music label making millions as profit.

Brandon was one of the only people who had begrudgingly earned my love and respect in my mom's group of friends. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that I have never known what it felt like to have a father figure around and before Finn came around, Brandon was something like that to me.

Elijah, Emilee, me and my siblings, grew up together because of that. There was not a day when either of us would not be together. We used to go to school together and we used to play together. We did all the mischief together. We were pretty much family to each other.

All that changed, that one fateful night when we had all gone camping against our parents' wishes and we left Alana and Emilee to do something reckless and incredibly stupid – in my defence, I was pretty drunk and so was Elijah.

We made a mistake and it costed us a lot of things. Our friendship with each other was one of that, our family's relationship with the Hastings' was the other. Everything was ruined in one night with one small mistake – granted, the outcome of the mistake was not really small.

"I didn't know I was going to see you here," he repeated, his eyes not moving off me, burning with something that was difficult for me to figure out.

"I, uh," I stammered, looking around, looking for an escape, "I came here with Nicholas Manhattan."

Brandon nodded, "I know. I saw," he smirked, "But where is that young man now going with that woman, Penny?"

I didn't look him in the eyes, "They have something that needs to be talked about."

"No, darling," he chuckled, his tone lined with humour, "They have a history."

I looked up at him, for the first time looking into his eyes, "You know." It was a statement.

He laughed lowly, but it was so loud inside my head, "Of course I know, sweetie. I was the one who brought her back into the picture."

I gaped at him, my thoughts running haywire, "Why?" One word that had so many questions packed into it.

He smiled, a smile so malicious as he looked me in the eyes with cruelty that I have never seen in a human being, "When Elijah came home that day and told me that he saw you at the party with Nicholas Manhattan, I knew I had to do something because according to my son, you were happy, Hayley and I don't want you to be happy."

I stared at him silently, at a loss of words.

"You see, Penny was reluctant to come back into Nicholas' life. She didn't want to keep the baby, that's why she left. Because she knew that Nicholas wouldn't let her get rid of it. Something about children scares that girl. Unfortunately, she couldn't abort the baby because her uterus was weak and killing the baby would have caused her body a serious damage; she would have probably died too. She thought that she could have the baby and then give it up for adoption," he looked past me for a second, before looking back at me, his eyes harder than before, "I offered her money, a lot of it, to come back into Nicholas' life and create a storm, because in the end, there was nothing that money cannot win. It won her. And here she is, ready to wreak havoc in your life with your new boyfriend."

I forced myself to nod my head, "You went through all that trouble to cause some trouble for me in my already troubled life?"

"Oh, don't go ahead and play that 'I don't have momma and I have to earn my living myself' card with me," he waved his hand over my face and shook his head, "You and your siblings deserved all that and more," he paused, looking at me intently and smirking, "Speaking of siblings, how are Hunter and Alana?"

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