chapter four

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My eyes gaze into his, and I take a moment to question if I would still be standing here if I was sober. The obvious answer is no, but my feet just won't communicate with my brain to get me the hell away from Harry. I don't have to worry about that, though, because Avaline tugs on my arm and drags me to the corner of the room, and I get the feeling this is her thing.

"I totally think you should hook up with him." She gushes, smiling from ear to ear.

"He's so sexy, but-"

"I know! Look at him!" She turns me around, so that I'm facing him, and our eyes lock. This isn't smart, and I know it, but the way my insides are burning as I stare into his eyes makes me throw all logic aside.

"Maybe I should do it." I turn back to Avaline who perks up, "I mean, he seems nice enough."

"Who cares about nice when he looks like that! He could be an axe murderer, and I'd still fuck him senseless." My eyes widen at her words, and I stop myself from laughing at the irony.

"I guess I'll go talk to him, then."

"Have fun! Let me know when you're ready to go home. That is, if you even make it home tonight." She winks at me before trotting back to the crowd of people.

Harry approaches me, keeping us isolated from everyone else. I lean against the wall. Heaven knows I'm gonna need some support for this. When he reaches me, he puts both hands on the wall on either side of my head.

"So, what are you thinking?" He runs his tongue along his bottom lip, and I let my eyes linger on his mouth.

"I'm thinking that you're really confusing."

"I just like to keep my possessions close. I couldn't have you come to a party and risk letting you get in danger."

"What if I was looking for danger?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Well, darling, you've definitely found it." He moves his face closer to mine. His breath fans across my face, and I'm enveloped by the warmth of it and the smell of alcohol.

"Have you been drinking?"

"Just to blend in."

"I've been drinking."

"I know, Tabitha." He chuckles then bites his lip, and I practically have to force myself not to pounce on him.

"Maybe I should go."

"I can tell how badly you want me right now."

"I just want to party! That's what I came here for!" I say because it's true, but I also know that if I don't put up some sort of fight, sober me will never forgive myself.

"Just party with me." He pushes his hips against mine, pinning me to the wall.

"Is this a good idea?"

"Does it have to be?"

"Harry, you know everything I want to hear."

"I do."

"But right now, I don't want to talk or listen." I smile and wraps my arms around his neck before pushing my lips onto his. 

It feels incredible. It's like I've relapsed on a drug. I don't know how I've ever survived without Harry with me. Even if it's completely wrong, it feels so right.

He takes my hands from his neck and holds them against the wall. His body pushes up against mine, constricting me to the wall, and making my body go crazy.

"I'm in control." He murmurs, staring into my eyes. He turns his eyes black for a brief second, but it doesn't frighten me. I don't break his gaze. He smiles and kisses my forehead, and then resumes our kiss.

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