chapter ten

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"You were always fond of the supernatural, Tabitha." He continues, making me even more confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?" A smile plays on his lips, and I know that I'm giving him the reaction he wants, so I lean back against the booth and try to look calm.

"I'm talking about you and your childhood." He rolls his eyes, "Do you really think the first supernatural creature you encountered was this year?"

"Yeah, I do. I'm pretty sure I would remember stumbling upon an angel or a fairy."

"Well, you're wrong."

"What?" I jump up in my seat, leaning into the table. This time I don't care if Louis is getting the reaction he wants.

"I knew you when you were a little girl. You were such a curious child. We had lots of fun together, but your grandmother was so suspicious, so I had to disappear." He explains, but it doesn't trigger any memories for me.

"I still don't remember that." 

"Well, look at this." He pulls a folded up photograph out of his pocket and slides it across the table. Reluctantly, I pick it up and unfold it to reveal a picture of Louis holding a little girl's hand, and the little girl is me.

"Who took this picture?" I ask without taking my eyes off of it.

"Your mother. She loved me, but she was very easy to charm."

"Why don't I remember this?"

"You were just a child. I wouldn't expect you to remember it, honestly. We never did anything extraordinary." He shrugs and takes the picture from my hand, folding it back into his pocket.

"So, you knew me when I was a child, yet you were going to let Niall kill me?"

"You killed Zayn, and I'm a demon. Do the math."

"Is that why you want my blood?" I wonder aloud, and he chuckles.

"No, that's a whole other story. Anyway, I wasn't the only demon that you hung around as a child." 

"Who else?"

"Take one guess."

"Harry?" I breathe, and my heart begins to pick up speed.

"Don't start assuming anything. You weren't nearly as close to him as you were to me, but he was in your life."

"Tell me everything."

"All in due time, darling. Right now, we need to discuss your blood." He shifts in his seat as he changes the subject, placing his hands on the table.


"We can do this in public or private. I don't care, but it has to be done." 

"You're not taking my blood while we sit in the middle of a diner. In fact, you're not taking it at all until I know why you want it." 

"This isn't a negotiation. I have Hailee." 

"How do you even know about her?" I ask, and my mind wanders to Dylan's advice to help her, "How did Dylan know about her?"

"She hasn't been so careful lately, so I saw her. As for Dylan, he's known ever since you moved into your pretty new house, he just doesn't wish to tell you."

"Seems like you know more about my life than I do." I sigh.

"I do my research when I'm invested in something." 

"Give me Hailee, and then you'll get my precious blood that everyone seems to want."

"I wasn't born yesterday, Tabitha. She's at your home." He says, and I start to move to get up, "Don't even bother. I had someone take out your engine."

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