chapter fifteen

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The sun shines onto my eyes, practically burning them into crisps. With a groan, I roll over, plunging my face into my pillow. Just as I get comfortable, though, somebody kicks my calf. I quickly look in the direction it came from and see Avaline asleep, her mouth wide open with drool spilling onto my pillow. I cringe then quietly climb out of bed and leave the bedroom, closing the door behind me. 

"Good morning!" Dylan chirps when I walk into the kitchen. He has a pink apron on, and he's surrounded by plates of food. I take in the delicious smells and appearances of everything then quickly grab a plate to start piling it full of food.

"You made all this?" I ask while putting a handful of bacon on my plate.

"Who else would do all of this?" He raises an eyebrow, and I smile, but the memory of Harry cooking me breakfast enters my mind yet again.

"That's a pretty cute apron you're wearing." I put a waffle and pancake on my plate, not even looking up from this heavenly choice of food.

"I figured you would enjoy it. I almost just wore the apron with no clothes underneath." He laughs, and my head snaps up to meet his smiling eyes.

"You're so bad!" I giggle, and he shakes his head.

"You seem like you're happy today."

"I am. I just woke up and found a feast of breakfast food in my kitchen, so I would say that I should be happy." I scoop some eggs onto my plate and grab a muffin then sit at the table.

"It doesn't have anything to do with Harry?" He sets a water bottle near my plate then joins me at the table.

"He hadn't even crossed my mind until you said that." I lie. One thought about Harry is nothing compared to my usual day.

"Well, I'm glad you two have managed to be in the same city without going bonkers." 

"I am pretty incredible." I joke, taking an enormous bite of my waffle, "This is so good, Dylan."

"Thank you. Anyway, I was thinking that we could spend the day together." He shifts in his seat and flashes me a small smile.

"I can't. I have math and english today." I roll my eyes and take another bite of the delicious waffle.

"All day?"

"No, but you're always busy so I figured it would have to be on your schedule, and I have those classes today."

"We are on your schedule, Tabitha. Just call me when you get done with your classes, and I'll pick you up."

"What are we going to do?" Curiosity starts to eat me away while I can't stop eating everything on my plate.

"I could take you shopping."

"Gross. I hate shopping." I groan and think of all the times that Hailee dragged me to the mall.

"What about a movie?"

"Isn't that what people do for dates?"

"Do you have any better ideas?"

"Why can't we just hang out here?" I wave my piece of bacon around in the air, "You know that we'll probably end up here anyway because Harry will fuck something up."

"Fine. We can watch movies here." He rests his cheek in his hand and watches me eat my bacon.

"Terrific! I won't even have to get all dressed up."

"You wouldn't get dressed up for me, anyway."

"You know me too well, Dylan." I smile and pick up the next piece of bacon on my plate that will soon be devoured.

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