Travelling at the Past

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Romeo just built himself a time machine.

"Hehehe." he said, putting the watch-like device on his wrist. "With this time machine, I can go to the time where the PJ Masks were teeny tiny toddlers, and then I can take over the world! Muahahaha!!!"

He then choose a time and teleported to it.

"Alright, let's see." he said. He then found a 3-year-old Connor playing in the sandbox. "What do we have here?"

He then ran over to him. "Finally!" he said intimidatingly, as Connor shook in fear. "The Kitty-Litter Boy is not so tough anymore, huh? Time to teach you a lesson."

Romeo then felt a hand on his shoulder. "And what type of lesson would that be?" asked a voice.

Romeo looked up to see William, Connor's father, glaring down at him. Romeo gulped, before running off as he rushed back to his normal time.

"Connor, is that your new friend?" asked William.

"No, daddy. But he sure gave me a big spook." replied the tot Connor.

When Romeo got back to his time, he was quick to throw his time machine watch in the bin.

"Holy Albert Einstein! I totally forgot about the PJs's parents!" said Romeo. "I'm not having any of this anymore!"

He then took a deep breath and sighed, before going in to go get ready for bed.


PJ Masks - Time TravellingWhere stories live. Discover now