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It was 7 o'clock in the morning, Soojin slowly slowly opened her eyes. She slowly slowly got up and looked outside. Sun is extra bright today making the nature look more beautiful. She smiled. Suddenly she heard a knock. She looked at the direction and her smile became more wide. As she saw her brothers.

They came and gave her peak on her forehead. " How are you feeling right now, soojin?" Asked Jin. " I'm fine oppa..." she replied. " Good! Now here eat your breakfast." Said taehyung as he handed her a bowl of Chicken soup, with thousands of veggies in it.

She stared at the bowl and then looked at Taehyung, and made a disgusted face. " I don't wanna eat it." She said as she pouted. " But Soojin" Jin was cut off as his phone. He answered his call and left the room. Soojin sighed.

" Soojin, I know you don't want to eat it but you have to you're weak but there's a thing, if you finish this in 10 minutes or less then you can eat whatever you want to eat, but just one thing and only for lunch,okay?" Said jungkook as he patted Soojin's head as she smile.

" Guys, can y'all come here for a minute" said Jin. They nodded and Namjoon spoke " Soojin, I hope it's okay with you" said namjoon. " Yeah, it's totally fine,you guys can go." She said, and then they nodded and left.

Now, Soojin was alone, left with a bowl , in her hand. " Ha*sighs* they always leave me, alone. Yeah I know they're artists and they love their fans so much but I'm their sister, is it really important to leave me alone?" Said her with teary eyes, but wipe them quickly as she heard her brothers coming inside.....

They looked really sad, they put their heads down and walked towards you. You knew what was going on but still you asked "What....what happened oppa?" Asked you. Jin slowly lift his head up but he couldn't make eye contact with you so he stared back at the floor and spoke " Soojin....Soojin we have to leave tomorrow..." said him in a low voice, but still you heard him.

" Cuz your tours are starting that's why, right?" Asked you. They looked at you.

"Yes but"

"How do I know, right? C'mon did you guys really thought that you'll
speak so loudly and no one will hear you, I heard you guys when you guys were talking to each other at home." Replied you.

" Then are you okay with it?" Asked Taehyung.

You smiled.

Time skip

So the day is here, my brothers are leaving me here, all alone, again. Yes, they came to see me for the last time before leaving, yes they were crying's so hard to leave alone, tho I don't express anything, that doesn't mean I'm not scared. Without realizing tears were falling from your eyes.

" Miss Soojin, are you okay?" One of the nurse asked. You quickly wiped your tears and spoke " yes, yes I'm fine" you smiled. " Oh! Okay then here's your lunch , your brothers told me to give you this for lunch." She said as she gave me a bowl of my favorite salad. I smiled at her and she did the same and then left the room, leaving me all alone. I sighed and took a bite.

After taking a bite, tears again started to fall from my eyes. I never thought that, Jin oppa will cook this for me, he knows how much I love when he cooks something for me. Suddenly I felt like I was chewing something...something like paper, so I took it out of my mouth and saw a small chit. I opened it and read what was written in it.


"Dear Soojin,
I know that you're sad, tho you didn't tell us, so that we don't become
more sad, it's also hard for us to live without you but I hope you'll understand
that we are helpless, don't forget to call us if anything happens, we'll be there in no time and take good care of yourself. Now enjoy your food made my your handsome oppa

A smile appeared on your lips, you ate the salad and after that you took a nap.

???? POV

??: How can she flee away?
Man 1: Boss, we tried our best, but-
??: Just shut up, before I lose my temper

"Don't worry, Mr. Kim, I know where she is and how you can find her"

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