🐱cat hater🐱

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Chanhee hated cats for as long as he could remember and everyone around him was aware of it.

He didn't have a particular reason for hating them but just the sight of them was enough to rile him up.Their big sparkling eyes and fluffy fur along with their attitude of a royalty never impressed him.He was more of a dog person since he liked active, loyal and cheerful companions.

He wished he could have a dog, but the apartment complex he lived in didn't allow the presence of pets.

His friend, Taeyang owned an adorable looking cat that attracted the eyes of every person who happened to pass by them.The cat had big, brown eyes, soft brown fur that resembled a bear's and long whiskers.

For everyone else, the cat was absolutely cute but for Chanhee it was a nightmare.Taeyang usually brought his cat to Chanhee's apartment without anyone seeing since he was afraid of leaving him home by himself.

Chanhee always nagged him, afraid of getting caught with a pet inside his apartment.

The cat was burdensome.He always stayed way too close to Chanhee's personal space, rubbing his head against his face and purring loudly in his ear.

He never despised something more than he despised Taeyang's cat.

Just when he hoped he was going to have a peaceful day, someone knocked at his door, causing him to huff and stand up.

He prayed that it wasn't Taeyang and his cat.

Breathing in sharply, he grasped the handle and opened the door, revealing Taeyang with his cat in his arms.


"Nice to see you as well, Chani." Taeyang smiled along with the cat whose eyes sparkled upon seeing Chanhee.

"Come in.." Chanhee stepped aside, allowing Taeyang to enter.

His eyes automatically fell upon the feline, frowning as soon as he wiggled his short ears and jumped from Taeyang's arms.

Chanhee stepped back but the cat kept advancing.

"Come on,Chani..He just wants to love you.You know that he's affectionate by nature." Taeyang snickered and watched the unfolding drama with amusement.

Chanhee grunted when the cat stood up on his back legs and released a low meow, looking up at him with his large glimmering eyes.

"I don't want this thing near me.You know how much I hate cats." he stepped away from the cat and went back to the couch.

Taeyang smiled when the cat followed Chanhee and jumped on his lap, instantly laying his entire body on top of the boy.


Chanhee gulped.

"Anyway.The reason I came here for is to ask you a favor."

Chanhee tried his best to ignore the purring feline and focus on Taeyang instead.

"W-What favor?" he swallowed the lump forming in his throat upon feeling the cat biting his shirt cutely.

Taeyang smiled widely, "I have to leave Seoul for two weeks due to my dance competition so I was hoping you'd take care of Woon for me."

Chanhee felt like a ton of bricks fell on top of him, his eyes becoming twice their actual size.

"What? No! I can barely take care of myself!" he protested but Taeyang's sorrowful expression caused him to sigh heavily.

"Fine.." he muttered under his breath, looking down at Woon with a blank expression.

"Really? That's awesome! Thank you!" Taeyang chuckled, kissing Woon's head and ruffling Chanhee's hair.

Chanhee smiled.

"I will sacrifice my well being just because you're my friend but that doesn't mean you can escape from buying me chicken once this is done."

Taeyang stood up and laughed, nodding.Chanhee always asked for things in return, preferably chicken.


Chanhee smirked and stood up as well, much to Woon's disappointment.

"Well, I'd better leave now.I have to pack my things."

Woon watched the two boys interact with slight curiosity.His persistent staring always unsettled Chanhee.His large eyes seemed way too odd for a cat.

As soon as Taeyang bid his goodbye, Chanhee quickly turned around and found Woon staring at him with his head slightly tilted.

"Looks like there's just you and I, odd fluffball." he mumbled, sitting on the couch, right beside Woon.

Woon looked at him and his low meow made Chanhee flinch.

"How can a cat as adorable as you meow like this?" he asked, surprise crystal clear in his voice.

Woon simply stared at him and wiggled his short ears as he slowly placed his paw on Chanhee's nose, purring softly.

Chanhee sighed in defeat.

"You started the engine again.."

Woon only purred louder and rubbed his head against Chanhee's face which led to the boy cringing.He could feel the cat's soft fur brushing against his skin, his purring noises right near his ear and soon after that, Woon buried his head in Chanhee's hair.

Chanhee widened his eyes, amazed by the cat's behaviour.

"What the hell are you doing in my hair, fluffball!"

He pulled Woon away and stared at him, to which Woon replied with a head tilt.
He felt unsettled again.He didn't know what about Woon made him feel so uncomfortable, but something was definitely odd.

"You're weird." he muttered with a frown and released the cat, heading towards the kitchen.

Woon wiggled his ears and meowed, going after Chanhee.

He jumped on the chair near the counter and took a gracious posture as he curiously watched Chanhee cook.

"What? Are you hungry?" the boy asked.

Woon meowed, his large brown eyes sparkling.Chanhee sighed and placed some meat in Woon's bowl causing the feline to jump down and eat.

Chanhee shook his head in amusement.

"No wonder you're so chubby.Taeyang must be spoiling you with lots of food."


Eventually, night came and Chanhee was laying on his bed watching television.Woon was grooming himself at the edge of the bed and Chanhee chuckled when he couldn't reach an area due to his chubby tummy.

Woon seemed to have narrowed his eyes as he approached Chanhee's leg and bit his toe.The boy grunted and watched the cat with anger in his eyes.

"Did you do that because I laughed at you?"

Woon replied with his typical deep meow and placed his paw on Chanhee's nose once again.Soon after, he cuddled Chanhee by placing his head in the crook of his neck, purring softly.

Chanhee sighed in defeat, deciding to accept the cuddles.Woon was affectionate so even if he rejected him, he would still find a way to cuddle.

Chanhee wasn't a fan of cats but he couldn't deny how relaxing it felt.Woon's soft purrs lulled the boy to sleep and he unconsciously reached out his hand to touch the soft fur, as he closed his eyes.

Sleeping never felt so peaceful.

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