Chapter 37

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[This one took longer to write than expected]

The drop of mental pressure was an uncomfortable whiplash for Fate, like drinking orange juice after chewing mint gum. It faded after a while as the party continued. Kaylee-Anne stayed glued to Jack's side as the rest of the crowd rotated around them.

Everyone was used to her presence. After all, she'd been at gatherings since she was a child. Everyone was far more interested in meeting Fate. There were dozens of new faces, young and old to meet. Most were genuinely happy to welcome a new guide into the fold, while others were simply looking to ingratiate themselves to the next head guide.

After the fifth or so sycophant showed a too-keen interest in her brunch habits, Fate realized something she hadn't put together under all of the stress. It was all over the news that Jack had been out searching for a guide so he could take over clan responsibility. He was preparing to become the true Alpha Prime of his clan, and she'd be the Prime Guide.

It wasn't that he was too young for the responsibility. At nearly thirty-three, most sentinels had already been settled down with their guide for five to ten years. He'd simply put it off to pursue his fighting career. Now his father was reaching the age of his senses deteriorating and he couldn't put any of it off longer.

It was a lot more responsibility than looking good and going to brunches. She was responsible for the welfare of the entire clan. It was a public position, much like the First Gentleman of the president. Not a ton of power but still beholden to an example.

Fate shoved it off her mind. There was nothing to be done about it now. Their bonding record was federally filed. Probably even internationally! She was stuck for life, hopefully after forty years or so she'd get used to it. This was why someone like Kaylee-Anne was more suited. She'd at the very least been exposed to this sort of thing since childhood and took to the smiling and small talk like a fish to water. But come to think of it, in the upper echelon, this sort of threesome was rare.

There weren't any public situations of an Alpha or Senior prime sentinel having a separate guide and spouse, especially after marriage was equalized over a generation ago. Then again, what the public saw and how everything really worked was bound to be different.

Fate didn't have much time to think on it though. The flow of small talkers continued well into the night, taking all of Fate's attention. She barely moved from her spot, surely wearing a dent in the grass. Her food was barely touched from having to keep up the small talk. It wasn't until a server came and whisked away the plates and glasses that she realized just how late it was. It was dark and most of the crowd had dissipated. String lights had replaced the sun, making it bright enough to see, but just outside of the garden was the definite pitch black of midnight. There was a team of servers cleaning up and the band was chatting with their packed instruments to the side.

Now that she thought about it, she was exhausted. Her feet hurt and her back was stiff from holding it so straight. Her biceps hurt from floating that little plate of half-eaten hors-d'oeuvres for who knows how many hours. Not to mention her stomach was still pretty empty. She should have taken another bite before letting the server steal the food away.

Luckily it looked like she'd be able to rest soon. It wouldn't be right to slip away without Jack, who was also trapped in an endless cycle of small talk. At the very least the conversations were ending with goodbyes as the well-wishers gravitated to their own cars. Still, Kaylee-Ann was right beside him, nearly hanging onto his arm as she also waved. Though the distance was merely a foot between herself and them, it may as well have been a chasm.

Fate shifted uncomfortably on her feet as the last of the guests cleared away for the night. Feeling suddenly restless, she wandered over to thank one of the remaining servers for all their hard work. She'd surreptitiously checked the time and the party had dragged on for a full eight hours!

Jack had instinctively moved to follow when he was stopped by a hand on his wrist.

"Jack," Kaylee-Ann put her hands on her hips, "Give her some breathing room! You can't just stalk her around everywhere. Don't you think she's tired of it?"

"I'm not stalking Kay. This is... This is how it is for new bonds." Jack tried to move again but Kaylee-Ann stepped in his path. Sure he was the de facto clan leader, but she had very little fear of the big-eared boy who always tripped in PE.

"She was a grown woman with her own life three weeks ago. She's already had to give up her life, her house, her job I'm sure! All just because you wandered past her house. I've read every article handling PR for you. She deserves a little breathing room. If you're going to get your hackles in a twist every time she goes to chat with a cute waiter, you might as well lock her in the basement like they did in the sixties!"

Jack looked suitably chagrined. Kaylee-Ann really had a point. Just because he was her sentinel didn't mean he had to be the center of her universe, no matter how badly he wanted to be. A healthy relationship allowed for distance. Trust. Jack sighed and pinched his nose.

"I'll... I'll see you to your car, Kay." 

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