Chapter Eleven - Deadly Topics and Disguised Pills

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It had been a week since Carter and I had been together. Yeah, we hung out like friends a little from across our windows, but we hadn't really hung out. He kept insiting that he wasn't into Candice and that she was only a friend, claiming they hadn't even kissed yet, but I only argue back, telling him it didn't matter and that he could be with whoever he wanted.

But I honestly couldn't believe myself. Why had I given up so easily? Told him we could break up when we weren't even together? Maybe I didn't like that was crazy, he tasted so delicious and my mouth watered whenever I thought about him. Then what was it? Was I...afraid? No, that's crazy.

"Payton!" I heard someone call my name and I groaned as I turned around and saw who it was. I quickly looked around for someone I could start a conversation with so I didn't have to talk to Johnny. Carter was with Candice, and Tiffany was no where in sight. But it was too late, because I heard the footsteps slow as they came up behind me in the hall.

"What do you want, Johnny?" I sigh as I continue walking down the hall, really not caring one bit what this kid had to say to me.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"I'm not interested." I say, rolling my eyes and smirking myself, imagining the request he was forming in his brain. Johnny and I had a small history of hatred, but this was by far the least I would ever expect from him. He was a good looking guys, tall with dark hair and warm brown eyes, but his attitude didn't really blend with mine.

"Oh Payton. It's not that, and besides, I'm with Tiffany, your best friend, remember?" he said, pulling me over to the side of the hall and standing next to the lockers.

I scoweled, "Finally gonna stay on one girl for more than a week? Or are you still waiting for her to drop her panties?" I say, glaring at him and giving him a knowing look.

He rolled his eyes, "This has nothing to do with me, Payton, it has to do with you and...Paul." 

My eyes snapped to his and my heart began to beat heavily, "Paul?" I asked, my voice stuttering a little.

"Yeah...uh...he uh..." he rubbed the back of his neck and looked around uncomfortably. I tapped my foot, waiting for him to continue.   

"Just say it!" I exclaim, making people turn and give me looks as they travel the halls as they cleared out for the day.   

"Alright! Sheesh, okay so uh, Paul wants to uh, get back together..." he said finally.  

I blinked a few times, waiting for the words to sink in. He...what?

"Why didn't he come tell me himself?" I ask.  

He shrugged, "I don't know, but he told me to tell you to meet him at the party friday night, you heard about it, right?"  

I nod my head, knowing who's party he's talking about. "I have to meet him there?"  

"If you want to get back together...he said he missed you and wanted to."  

"Alright, tell him I'll see him there." I say wearily, not really knowing how to take the conversation. Was I happy? Sure, I guess I've missed Paul and my fall back was Carter, that had to be it. I was happy, the guy I really liked and worked so hard to have mine wanted to get back together with me. That wasn't anything bad, right?  


Carter had gotten detention, and Stephanie had decided not to stay after, so it was just my sister and I in the car, and the conversation was not going in a very good direction.  

"Can you just tell me why Payton?" she whined from the passenger seat.  

"Because, Stephanie, I refuse to let him into my life any more. I don't want him, I don't care if he wants me." I say, reffering to her by her full name, as I did when I was mad at her or didn't care what she had to say.

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