Chapter Five: A slow day? Not possible.

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At the D.E.O, in the main cortex, Winn sat at his computer scanning the city for any extra normal activities. The D.E.O. was quiet right now. more so than usual. And today had been pretty calm. There had been no illegal interference all day. Although, it was only 1:32pm. The day was still young, and knowing their city, most likely their would be some sort of robbery or at least something to stop soon. 

Winn refreshed his computer and scanned the city again. "Surely someone, somewhere needs help." Winn thought. But there was nothing. No one was in danger.  "Well this is boring." Winn said to himself, as now one was in the cortex with him.  He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms above his head.

Mon-El walked in to see Winn bored out of his mind, just looking at the screen of the computer. "Hey buddy! Whats up? anything for me to go stop? People to protect" Mon-El asked his friend. he was so ready to go and stop some bad guys. 

"Hey dude.  Nope. absolutely nothing. Its been like this all day." Winn said almost depressed. 

Mon-el was surprised by Winn's words. Usually their was something to do. but today was just boring. "Weird." Mon-el replied. 

Winn nodded a little and spun his chair to face the computer again.  "Oh wait!" He started as he turned back to face Mon-el. "Tonight is game night, right?" 

"Uh- yeah!" Mon-el paused for a moment, and then said "Its at Kara's tonight."  

Winn looked like he was excited for some reason. Mon-el dismissed it though. "Got it!" Winn said  with a smile. 

The computer beeped fast and loud all the sudden. Winn almost leaped out of his chair. "Hold up! Hold up." He said as he quickly did something on the computer. "Looks like there is an issue on wall street." Winn said looking at the screen, then up at Mon-el who has hovering over his shoulder. 

"Consider it done!" Mon-el said confidently, right before she sped out of the D.E.O. before Winn could tell him anything else.

When he got there, he saw a rouge alien throwing cars around. Thankfully the cars were all empty, but it still wasn't good. 

Kara and Lena had just come out of Noonan's, where they had eaten lunch, and immediately saw the crazed alien and all his madness. 

Kara's eyes widened as she realized she was going to have to make an escape from Lena, and deal with this as Supergirl. 

Just then, Mon-el or Valor, caught a small car that the alien had thrown in his direction. When he set it down, he caught sight of Kara, who was standing right outside the restaurant with Lena. He knew Kara wanted to get away, but she couldn't. Not without being obvious.   

Kara saw Mon-el staring at her. she locked eyes with him. They smiled at each other, and Kara nodded as if to say, "Thanks for getting this one." Mon-el quickly took a deep breath and went back to the rouge alien. 

"Oh my!" Lena said said as she looked up to see all the commotion. "We need to get out of here!" She said in a tone that told Kara that she meant business. Kara didn't argue. They rushed down the sidewalk away from Mon-el and the alien.

By this point, Mon-el had gotten special handcuffs on the alien. He held the alien's hands behind his back and flew to the D.E.O. with him. Mon-el had successfully completed a mission.

Later that night, at Kara's loft, Kara stood up from the table. She and Mon-el had just finished dinner. Everyone was coming at 8pm, and it was 7:23. They had some time still. As Mon-el stood, he grabbed his and Kara's plates and took them to the sink. 

"I'll get a head start on the dishes, babe." He said. Kara smiled. She likes it when Mon-el calls her babe. 

"Thanks. I'm gonna make sure everything ready for when they get here." Kara replied as she walked into the living room. Everyone was coming over for their weekly game night. Kara had come up with this tradition when she first became Supergirl. James and Winn used to come to her house, and they would search for anyone in need of help. But as they would wait, they would play games. and thats kind of how it all started. But now that they work at the D.E.O, they don't get to just hang out and not talk work. So game night lets them do that. 

Kara had just finished straightening everything up when the doorbell rang. Mon-el made his way to the door and thew the dish towel over his shoulder. He opened the door to reveal J'onn and Lena. 

"Hey guys!" Mon-el welcomes them in. 

"Hey Mon-el!" Lena says back to the happy daxamite.  Then she walks past him and up to Kara. J'onn walks in and smiles at Mon-el. Just before he closes the door, Alex, Winn and James appear. "Hey! Come on in!" Mon-el greets as he holds the door open for his friends to come in.

After catching up a bit, they started to play a board game. It was all smiles and laughter, when they heard a knock at the door. 

"Who could that be? Everyones here..." Kara thought as she got up to open the door. She was so surprised when she opened the door to find her biological cousin Kal-el, or more know as Clark Kent. "Kal??" Kara said a bit too loud. After she said that she realized Lena doesn't know that they are cousins, let alone aliens. She immediately tried to cover it up by asking why he was here. 

"Haha, hello to you too!" Clark laughed, stepping into Kara's loft. Kara closed the door behind him. "Well, Lois had to go out of town, and things in Metropolis are pretty slow right now, so I figured I'd see how my cuz is doing." Kara's back was turned to her guests. She was eyeing Clark intensely, trying to tell him she had people over who didn't know who they were. " And I don't know, I might stay a few days." Clark said shrugging his shoulders, completely unaware that Kara had company. "What, Kar?" He asked her. He was so confused about why she was making such a weird face at him. 

Before Kara could say anything, James jumped in. "Clark!" James said as he gave him a hug.

Clarks eyes grew wide as he realized it wasn't just him and Kara. "Jimmy!" He said kind of nervously. 

Everyone there knew Kara and Clark are aliens, except for Lena. Kara was worried that because of what just went down, she would suspect something know. Kara was planning on telling her soon, but just not yet. But after this, she might not have to... 

Kara looked back at the rest of her friends sitting around her dinning room table. She looked at Lena's facial expressions to try to see what was going through her friends mind. Lena just looked really confused.

Hey!! Two chapters in two days!! and wow! almost 100 reads! Thats so insane to me! I totally didn't think anyone would read this. I was just writing this on my laptop for myself, when I found this website, and was like "Hmm, maybe I should put it on here!" and look at where this has gone! Its so super crazy!! Again, thank you all so much!! Also, this is random, but I was thinking about it this morning. If you write, how long does it take you to write a chapter? For me it typically takes me about 1-2 hours but this one took me about 3.5 so... idk! Lol

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