Chapter Nine: Talking to Lena. Or trying to.

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Kara turns off the sink in her loft, and walks over to the couch. She had just finished doing the dishes, and was now going to invite Lena over to talk to her about her coming out to her as supergirl. Lena had seemed to take it well in the moment, but as time passed, she was seeming to distance herself from Kara. And Kara was starting to worry that she had butchered their friendship.

She sat down on the couch and unlocked her phone. She typed up a text to Lena, which read: "Hey Lena! Wanna come over and catch up? ♥️"  and pressed send.

Then she turned off her phone and set it on the coffee table in front of the couch. 

"And now we wait." Kara said to herself as she picked up a book from the side table to her right. 

Kara sat there, reading, for about 10 minutes before her phone dinged. She put the book down and picked up her phone and read Lena's reply. 

"Sounds fun. But I cant, sorry! Big issue at L-Corp. Samantha, the person I am trying to train to run L-Corp for me, needs my help. Sorry!"

Kara let out a big sigh. "Great. Just what I thought would happen." Kara said under her breath.

"No worries! Its okay. I hope everything works out. :)" Kara sends back. Trying not to show her annoyed attitude through her text. 

At L-Corp, Lena sits at her desk, and puts her phone down. She just texted Kara back. She really did have to deal with stuff at L-Corp, but she also just didn't want to talk to Kara right now.  

She sighed at covered her face in her hands. She was exhausted. Lena had been at L-Corp since 7PM Friday, and now it was 2:30PM on Saturday. She had crashed a little around 2AM but not for too long. 

Though she was somewhat used to pulling all nighters, this one seemed harder than usual. 

Just then, Samantha Arias walked in and saw Lena, clearly tired. Lena removed her hands from her face when she heard the door close. She continued to walk up to Lena's desk, slightly smiling.

 "Anything?" Lena asks her friend/employee.

Samantha suddenly gets a slightly mischievous grin. "Yes! Everything fine!" She says quickly, with a tone of relief. 

Lena quickly sits up straighter, and throws her arms in the air a little bit. "Yes!! Thank goodness!"  She says suddenly much more awake. "Everything did work out." Lena thinks to herself. 

She smiles widely back at Samantha who is now almost perched over her, hands on the desk. Lena stands up and slightly nods happily. 

"Good! See, it always works out in the end." Lena starts to say, as Samantha turns to see Lena, now standing by the bookshelf. "You're doing well! Catching on much faster than I did!" Lena laughed.

"Nah, I bet you learned pretty quick." Samantha replies honestly. "But thank you!" She smiles.

"You think you got it from here?" Lena asks. She is trying to slowly step away from L-Corp for a while, and is gradually letting Samantha run it.

Samantha thinks for a moment, and then replies with "Yeah! I think so!" Lena smiles and grabs her purse from under the desk. 

As she makes her way towards the door, a sudden CRASH stops her in her tracks. She turns around to hear Samantha scream. but to her surprise, she was gone!

"SAM!!" Lena screamed as she quickly ran behind the desk where Samantha had been standing. She looked out the broken window, and then frantically pulled out her phone. 

"Kara please pick up. Kara pick up, pick up!!!" she repeats to herself as she calls her best friend. 

"Hey Lena!" Kara answers nicely.

"Kara! You need to get to L-Corp immediately!!!" Lena says in a tone that says she means business. "something just broke the window, and took Sam!" She might not be too happy with Kara right now, but she needed her help. There was no way around it.

Without saying anything, Kara hung up, threw on her supergirl suit and flew to L-Corp as fast as possible.

Kara landed on the balcony hard. She rushed inside to find Lena standing by a pile of shattered glass. 

Lena quickly looked up at Kara, taking the phone away from her ear. "Wow, thats weird." Lena said quietly. She was not used to Kara being supergirl. 

"What happened?" Supergirl asks Lena, as she inspects the shattered window.

"Well I was walking out, about to leave, when I heard a huge crash, and Sam scream." Lena says taking a step back. "But by the time I turned around, she was gone! I don't know what happened." She finishes. Kara could tell Lena was very shaken up. 

"Okay. It'll be okay. We'll find her. Don't worry." Kara tells Lena, trying to comfort her. Then putting her hand up to her ear, and pressing her ear piece, she says "Alex, did you hear all that?" 

Lena just looks at Kara while she is talking to her sister. Kara turns back to Lena and nods a little bit. 

"The D.E.O. is scanning the city for her right now." Kara tells her. Lena takes a deep breath and nods. "We are going to find her Lena." 

"I know." Lena replies. She didn't have doubt of that, she wasn't even very worried. She was just kind of in shock. People always aimed to kidnap her, so that part didn't scare her. "But why would take Sam?" That was the question that kept ringing in her head. Just why? She hadn't done anything. Who would be looking for her? All these questions, no one knew the answers to. Lena just wanted answers. Now.

Hey!! What do you think is going to happen to Sam?? do you have any guesses on what took her?  OH! and Btw, Sam is NOT Reign in this! She is just a normal person.  Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than usual. It was fun to not only write about Kara in the chapter. I think I might do that more.  Anyways! I hope you enjoyed!! :)

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