Chapter Thirteen: Movies with Mon-el

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Kara sat at her kitchen table, in her dimly lit apartment. She watched as her boyfriend washed the dishes. She was supposed to be editing an article that she had written earlier that day, but had gotten distracted, and couldn't take her eyes off Mon-el. "Eh its fine, its not due until the day after tomorrow." She thought as Mon-el took a plate from the sink and put it in the dishwasher.  Kara smiled at him, even though his back was turned to her. 

Kara was lost in thought, and though she was both looking and thinking about Mon-el, she jumped when he turned around. She immediately shot her eyes back to her laptop, trying to make it look like she was actually doing what she needed to, instead of watching him. But Mon-el didn't buy it. 

"What were you looking at?" He asked smiling, letting Kara know that he caught her. Kara looked up from her laptop and gave him a sweet, embarrassed smile. 

"Nothing?..." She replied innocently, making Mon-el laugh. He took the dish towel off his shoulder and set it on the counter behind him. Kara watched him as he made his way over to her.  

"So, what do you want to do? It's only 7:30" Mon-el asked quietly, as he now stood only a few inches away from the love of his life. 

Kara looked up at him. Oh how she loved everything about him. Every single thing. The way he would ramble on about the stories he heard that day at the alien bar, How he would always ask how others days were going, even if he was having a bad day himself. "He really has changed since that day I found him in that pod..." Kara pondered before snapping out of it.

"Umm," Kara closed her laptop, and turned on the barstool to face Mon-el. "Well, we could watch a movie. Or we could..." She trailed off, trying to think of things to do. 

Mon-el watched her lips as she spoke. "So beautiful"  He thought as he listened to Kara. "Yeah, we could watch that movie musical thing you were telling me about that one time." Mon-el suggested. Kara raised an eyebrow. She didn't know what movie he was talking about. "Rao, she is so adorable when she is confused." Mon-el thought as he studied Kara's  face.

"What? Which one? I've talked about a lot of musicals..." Kara laughed, making Mon-el smile even more. He loved her laugh.

"You know! The one where the two people- .... Your words were 'Adorable! Most romantic movie EVER!' or something." Mon-el chuckled at the memory,  trying to bring some sense to Kara's confused expression.

"Ohhhhh..... You mean 'Funny Face'?? We have to watch that movie! I cant believe we never watched it!!" Kara said, finally realizing what he meant. 

"Yes! Thats it!" Mon-el almost shouted. "And if I recall correctly, we were going to watch it, but we got a little busy..." Mon-el said teasingly, and Kara laughed. Last time they tried to watch it, Rhea showed up and messed up their movie night plans. 

As they made their way to the couch, Mon-el walked behind his girlfriend. He put his arm around her waist, sending sparks up Kara's spine.  She breathed in lightly, her smile big.

After turning on the movie, Mon-el laid on the couch, with Kara laying in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and let out a content sigh. 

"I love this." Kara whispered. "I love you."

Mon-el smiled. he truly loved this, and her, too. "I love you too." he whispered back. 

They laid there, peacefully watching the movie. Kara was struggling to stay awake, but she was determined not to fall asleep. As they cuddled, Kara let out a large yawn.

Mon-el was focused on the movie, until Kara snuggled her head even closer, and deeper into his chest. Without even trying, he smiled widely. He brought his hand up from her back, and caressed her hair, running his fingers through the blonde curls.

Once the movie ended, Mon-el, still in his position on the couch, reached up and grabbed the tv remote off the back of the couch. He turned off the tv and placed the remote back where he found it. 

He tried moving a little, as if to single Kara to get up and go to bed. But there was no response.

"Kar?" He questioned quietly, unsure if his girlfriend was awake. No response. "Kara, babe, the movies over. Time to go to bed." Mon-el said sweetly while rubbing her back to wake her up. It was already 9:50pm. Not too late, but Kara was clearly tired, and Mon-el was getting there too.

"Huh?-" Kara groans softly, sitting up sleepily. 

Mon-el smiled at her. She was still half asleep, when he lead her to bed. After getting in bed, she cuddled up close to him, making Mon-el smile warmly. Kara had already fallen asleep again. He held her closely, never wanting the moment to end. He loved her so much. "I wish she knew how much I love her..." Mon-el thought as he snuggled his head into the top of hers. And with that, he fell asleep. "The perfect way to end the day."

At exactly 4: 58am, Kara's phone rang obnoxiously, breaking the peaceful silence, and waking both of the lovebirds. Kara sleepily sat up, and felt around on the nightstand for her phone.  

Once she found it, she turned her phone over to see who was calling her at this hour. The brightness of the screen temporally blinded her as she tried to make out the caller ID. It was Alex.

"Hey?" Kara answered in a very tired tone. She hadn't been getting much sleep at all lately, and it was starting to show. "Yeah-  Okay, I'm coming." She finished before hanging up and setting her phone back down on the nightstand. 

"Alex?" Mon-el questioned, still laying down. He knew it was most likely Kara's sister calling about a Supergirl mission, because who else would be calling right now?? Kara nodded.

"Yeah. She needs us to go in." Kara said standing up. "Its an emergency." 

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