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"Actually, yes." I said, gently shoving my ice cream to my mouth.

Hayes raised both of his eyebrows signaling me to just go on, "Any colleges?"

"Colleges?" I asked.

"A school? Have you picked out a school to study college?" He said with weird hand motions, "You can be dumb."

I chuckled, then hit my head realizing that I am being dumb, "Oh! Uh, before school started, I actually applied to many different colleges, but I'm looking forward to Yale and Harvard."

"Wow," He reacted, shoving the little spoon inside his mouth, "Can I take back the part where I said you were dumb."

We both burst into fits of laughter, "How about you? What are your plans?" I asked.

He settled his ice cream down on the table, he then put his hand under his chin, and with his other hand he starts scratching his head, pretending to think.

We then, again, laughed our asses off, because he looks so funny doing that.

"On a serious note, I am waiting for a scholarship." He said, breaking down from his laughs.

"Scholarship? like an academic scholarship?" I asked amused, licking my ice cream.

He laughed, "Do I look like I know how to multiply 9 times 7."

I chuckled and shook my head 'no', "So, an athletic scholarship it is!"

Hayes nodded, "Yep! I was the MVP on the football summer league last summer, and the administrator of Harvard was there watching me play, and let's just say he likes me." He says, then gave me a wink.

"Wow, I can't wait to see you play! You must be really good." I commented.

He just shrugged, but in a playfully cocky way. I just chucked and continued to eat my ice cream.

We just finished our ice cream, and we still have 20 minutes to go back to school to continue our school hours, but I'm having this feeling, feeling of laziness? I don't know. What I do know is, I don't wanna go back to school.

"Hey Hayes, I think I'm just gonna go home." I suddenly spoke, as we were walking back to school.

"Why? Are you feeling sick?" He asked, putting his hands on my neck, checking of my body temperature is okay.

I moved his hand away my neck, "No, I just don't feel like going back."

"I don't feel like going back either! Why don't we just go somewhere else." He suggested, as crazy as it sounds, I agreed.

We then, continued walking but not towards our school anymore. I don't know where we're going but I'm just very glad that I'm not going back to school.

As we were walking, we passed by a dog park, "I want to go inside!" Hayes squealed like a girl, making me laugh.

We are now inside, sitting on a bench under a tree, while admiring all the cute and fluffy dogs and their owners play catch and other dog suff.

"If you were to have a dog, what breed would it be?" Hayes suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Well it would be, an Australian Shepard, I've dreamt about having that kind of dog since I was a kid. I told my Dad that I want that kind of dog and he said he'll get me one when I'm in college, so fingers crossed." I said smiling while crossing my fingers, "How about you?"

"Well I just want a classic, Black Labrador." He shrugged, "What would you name your dog?"

"Probably, Waffles."

The moment I said 'Waffles', he just bursted, he laughed so hard, he couldn't hardly breathe!

"Who on earth would name their dog Waffles?" He just can't get over it, he's still laughing!

I pouted and hit him playfully, "Hey! I would name my dog Waffles, it's a cute name and I love waffles!"

"What would you name your dog anyways?" I said, rolling my eyes at him.

Hayes crossed his arm, rocking his head back while chuckling, "Well, it would definitely not be Waffles!"

We just bursted, we were laughing and everyone is looking at us like we're some sort of maniacs. He just can't get over it! The Waffle jokes died five minutes later and we became our sane self again.

"Well, if we ever lost contact from each other or when we're in college, studying at Harvard, or Yale, or anywhere in the world—" He trailed off, then looked at me.

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"When I see an Australian Shepard, and the name of that dog is Waffles, I'll instantly know it's yours."

Author's Note:

Comment down your thoughts! I would love to read them ;)

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