❤️ 3 : Favorite Student?

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*break time*
When Izuku woke up, he went to the cafeteria but on his way he met Eri. "Zuku-nii" oh god, how much I love her. (Brother wise... or is it? 😉)
As she was walking towards Izuku with Nejire Hado. "I wonder why Nejire is blushing?" Izuku thought by he was snapped out of his trance when he felt a hug around his leg. Izuku looked down and saw Eri. "Hey Eri!" He said with a smile.
Nejire's pov
Oh god, he sent the smile, the god damn smile.

Time skip brought by my laziness
When everybody got seated (except Izuku) Mei cane up and said "I just found out that everything in these 'dimensions' are only able to do stuff based on Izuku's skill in, um, for example singing" then she went to her seat.
The screen flickered on
It was a sunny day. The screen zoomed into the 1-A classroom, everybody was talking in their own little group until Uraraka asked "where's Deku?" And right on cue. The door opened with Izuku behind it, holding an ice cream cone. "Hello Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki!" Izuku said in an excited and happy tone as he was walking towards them.

"Why does Zuku-nii have an ice cream cone?" Eri asked Mirio. "I'm not sure Eri, I think we'll see soon though." Mirio answered.

"Why do you have an ice cream cone deku?" Uraraka asked. "Oh, I got it from Midnight-Sensei" Izuku answered smiling.

"Wait, why did Midoriya get an ice cream cone from Midnight-Sensei?" A random student asked. "I don't know!" Midnight said frustrated. "But is gladly give that cinnamon roll an ice cream cone" she said as she licked her lip. 'Does she even have standards? Mostly everybody thought.

"N-Nani? Deku, you didn't sleep with-" Uraraka was saying until a blushing Todoroki held a hand in her mouth. "I-I-Izuku isn't like that!!" Todoroki said as the blush disappeared as fast as it appeared.
"wAiT!" A voice said in the crowd "IS TODOROKI SHOUTO, the emotionless son of the 2nd hero... (this is before the AFO fight) BLUSHING?!?!?" The same voice said. When the person said that Kirishima said "BrO, Todoroki is no-" "HoLy ChOcOlAtE sTrAwBeRrY! Look at midoriya!" Another person said as he pointed at Izuku. (Y'all extras can't mind your own business 🙄) Everybody turned towards Izuku only to be frozen in fear. (I wOnDeR wHaT iS sO sCaRy?¿?¿) EVEN THE HEROES! What made them so scared? Izuku... in front of them was NOT the Izuku most people knew. What was in front of them was Izuku (I don't make sense) with an extremely dark expression while his hands were clenching the chair so much that the armrest was destroyed. Most were scared and shocked until somebody asked "WAIT, w-what is he mumbling?" (I gotta stop starting with 'wait') Mirio went up to Izuku only to hear "not.... bound..." it was unclear until he suddenly shouted "HE IS NOT BOUND TO HIS FATHER! HE IS HIS OWN PERSON!" Those who knew Izuku was shocked until all might came up to the stage and said "don't fear, why? Because I'm here's that made Izuku go back to his sleeping state.

Time skip 10 mins

As everyone got seated again, many shot wary glances at Izuku

"How did you get the ice cream from midnight-Sensei?" Iida asked. "Well-"
"Hey young listener!" Present Mic said to Izuku while waving. "Eeep!!l Izuku said while jumping (wtf that's not the word lol) until he looked who said that. He brightened up immediately and said "Hey present Mic!" Izuku smiled with his angelic smile.

1-a and the teachers got their sunglasses out while the others wondered why they have sunglasses in them, as if they read their thoughts. Present Mic said "that ball of sunshine smiles like that when being happy or meeting heroes. We have sunglasses so we won't go blind" as he finished many teachers and students agreed. (Omg he is being calm)

"Hey young listener, can you come with me?" Present Mic asked Izuku. Izuku answered with "c-class is starting s-soon, so I don't know?" "It doesn't matter! I'll just text aizawa!" Present Mic shouted. So Izuku went with PM (I'm too lazy to write Present Mic) to the teachers lounge. "Hello friends!!" PM shouted when he opened the door. "Shut up or at least quiet down" snipe said while covering his ears. "Oops, sort but I have iZuKu MiDoRiYa with me!" When he said that everyone quickly looked presentable while having a happy glint in their eyes. "Hello!" Izuku said as he walked in. "Hey midoriya/Young Midoriya/trouble child/bunny/child/kiddo"

"Bunny?¿" "sHhh! Nobody talk or shout, we're gonna watch this without interruptions" Aizawa said

"H-Hello" Izuku answered awkwardly. 'Ohgodhessocutethisiswhyheismyfavoritestudent' Then Izuku sneezed. It wasn't a humongous sneeze... it was that cute kitten 'choo'

"T-that was so cute!!¡" everybody thought at the same time. Then an angelic laugh came. They all looked at the sources d saw Inko Midoriya laughing. "Why are you laughing?¿" All might asked. "T-that was the- the funnies sneeze I've heard in a while!" She answered laughing her ass off. "That was a funny sneeze?! IT WAS ADORABLE!" They thought.

This is the end because I got lazy. (: I'm very sorry. I'm pretty sure I disappointed some on you and I'm v v v sorry :/

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