Part 3: Try to put the pieces together.

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Rowan's POV

I arrived at Elisia's place. I was kind of still teary eyed after the discussion with Brandon. I still can't believe that I actually told him that I might love him when I haven't even figured it out myself. Or maybe I have but i'm just too scared to see it.

I called Elisia on my way and after some minutes of her yelling at me cause I wasn't there yet she told me that she was leaving to pick up Ash's medicine. I think it was like a analgesic or something and Ash was still at her place. She was always so worried when she left Ash alone but I don't blame her. After everything it would be strange if she wasn't worried.

I knocked on the door to Elisia's place and the door opened and Ash was there

"hey Rowan finall.. are you crying?" he asked getting worried

"what? no it's okay i'm fine. Should we start?" I asked wiping my eyes

"Rowan. Something's wrong I can see it. Did someone hurt you?" he asked grabbing my hand

"no" I simply answered

"then what happened" he asked and I couldn't help it I just had to let it all out


"DID HE HURT YOU?? WHAT DID HE DO??!!" He started to yell

"No Ash he didn't do anything to me. I just..i'm just really confused" I said

"why?" he asked

We sat down and I explained everything and even the two kisses. It just felt so good to tell Ash this cause I felt like he really listened to me and always had good advices

"wow..that was. wow.. so you don't know if you like him now?" he said and I nodded

"When I saw him with that mask I panicked. I just didn't believe it. Then I was scared that he was the one that shot you and that scared the crap out of me. I started to believe that he was king cobra but he came to my house and explained everything and I believed him but I knew I shouldn't trust him. I was scared that he would do anything to Elisia and Hailey." I explained

"has he said that he's in love with you?" he asked

"not really. I mean maybe but that could've just been me being paranoid. At the camp when we talked he said something and.. I don't know." I said

"okay I see. You seem to know what you're feeling but you're unsure about what he's feeling" he said. I furrowed

"how did you-

"simple math" he said with a smile. Making me smile for a moment

"I think it's pretty clear what he's feeling about you" he said

"what do you mean?" I asked

"did you say he kissed you the same night of the zoo party?" he asked and I nodded

"he kisse..I mean..we kissed the same night and we barely said anything until I got a message from kingcobra that told me to meet him at the zoo party. When I saw the message I told him I had to go and then left him" I said

"wait? how could he be king cobra if king cobra texted you while you kissed him?" he asked

"I don't know I..I didn't think of that as I said I panicked" I said

"okay so he kisses you and he's smiling and all that and then you leave him. And some hours later you see him at the zoo party wearing a mask and then he tells you that king cobra framed him." he says and I nodded confused about what his point was

"have you ever wondered how he even got framed and why?" he asked and I furrowed my eyebrowns

"I mean..not really but-

"and that's the reason you don't know what he feels" he says

"hmm??" I asked more confused than ever

"Rowan come on try to put the pieces together. I think when he kissed you as he literally said he felt something and when you left because of that message he remembered that he started everything and he felt guilty for what he did to you. So he most likely thought he didn't deserve you until he had fixed his mistake. So he probably told king cobra to stop and since king cobra was working with Lance and Lance knew that YOU were going to that party they maybe told Brandon something like what king cobra told you and told him to bring a cobra mask and then made sure you saw him so you could get hurt and so you and him wouldn't get a happy ending" he said and I was still confused

"that means that he was there to protect you and not hurt you" he said when he realized that I was still confused

"I've been through that shit before. I was a huge dick before and I was doing really bad things but I stopped to protect Elisia. Because I love her. So I personally by my own experiences think that Brandon likes you. or maybe even loves you because he seems like he's willing to risk his own life for you and to protect you. He has actually risked his life for you multiple times already like the truck and at the camp. Exactly like what I would do for Elisia." he said and I was left shocked by what he just said

"okay enough with the Brandon topic. I want to get rid of this thing as soon as possible" he said and I giggled

"let's practice then..and ash?....thank you" I said

"no problem. But you should really tell him about your feelings. Trust me. It will make everything so much easier if he just knows and if he ever thinks that he can tease you or hurt you in any way just tell me and I will show him what hurt feels like" he said

"woah Ash be careful before you try to kill me instead" I said chuckling. He joined my laugh

Then I started to help him with walking and he was really good. At some parts it hurt him but he was so strong so he got through it. And when I get home I will have to confess everything to Brandon. But what if he's just like that? just a flirty guy who makes random girls fall in love with him? I don't want to be one of those. And what if he actually feels the same? Is everything going to be awkward or what. ughhh I should stop. soon I will refuse to confess to him

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