Part 5: I read your note

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Sean's POV *When R left*

I saw how Trevor's expression change to sad when Rowan went to go and find Brandon

I held his shoulder in comfort and he looked at me in confusion

"Listen. This may sound cheesy as fuck but you mean really much to me and it hurts when I see you like this. Don't do this to yourself Trev" I said and he looked down sobbing

"Don't you think i'm like.. weird because-

"Because of what? Your sexuality?" I said cutting him off and he nodded

"Never Trev. You can like whoever you want and it's not my problem. Not anyone else's either by the way." I said and Trevor's face turned into a smile as he layed in his hand on mine that was on his shoulder

"And about Brandon. Fine maybe he doesn't look at you the way that you look at him but there is plenty of people out there. Who would die to be together with you. Don't ever think that being gay is bad or weird because it isn't and no one has the right to judge you okay?" I said

"Okay. Sean..Thank you..i'm sorry i'm being so dramatic and emotional about this I just.." he said

"It's fine. You're human. A real human has feelings and honestly if you weren't emotional about anything then I would think you were weird. Much weirder than you think" I said and he chuckled softly

"okay enough with this let's play okay" He said and I smiled and nodded

Rowan's POV *when she came home from Brandon's*

I threw off my jacket and walked into the hallway. Trevor came out of the bathroom with a smile on his face

"hey Row. How'd it go?" He asked and I looked down while playing with my fingers

"Hey what's wrong?" He said. Worry written all over his face

"Nothing just.. He wasn't home" I said and Trevor furrowed

"Where could he be then.. and why did he even go in the first place" He said

"okay listen Trevor I think it was kind of my fault..." I said and trevor listened as I explained everything even the note I left

"Oh..Wow...and you were denying it" He said after a long sigh

"i'm sorry I wasn't sure then" I said

"and now you are..? He asked and I nodded slowly waiting for him to call me weird or something But he didn't. He just nodded.

"Rowan you shouldn't worry about him. Brandon's a grown toddler he knows how to take care of him" Trevor said making me giggle

"Even tho Brandon is stupid sometimes. He's in love with you Rowan..That i'm sure as hell not doubting" He said and I smiled.

"thanks Trev" I said still smiling

"No problem sis" He said and we hugged eachother. It was a really cute and soft hug. Trevor was to my surprise a good cuddler. We pulled away and I started to feel better

"Trevor you gotta check this out it's sick!" We heard from Trevor's room

"Oh yeah Sean's here by the way" He said

"No way I would've never guessed" I said sarcastically and we laughed

"Well i'm tired so i'm going to bed. But hey can you wake me up if Brandon reaches out to any of you. I just want to make sure he's okay" I said a bit of worrying coming back

"Of course. Goodnight Row" He said walking back to his room

"Goodnight Trev" I said before I closed my door.

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