Chapter 9

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"I think she's waking up now," Mychal said. Queen Zorania rubbed her head in exhaustion as she forced herself to sit up. She felt the cold, stiff bed she was laying in. The floor below it was hard and metallic. No windows were in sight and the only source of light was a small lamp on a wooden nightstand beside the bed.

There was no plant life in sight. That's when it hit her. She was in prison. She stumbled off the bed and walked up to the glass wall that Mychal and Rusty were looking through. She slammed her fist against the glass, trying to break it in vain.

"Don't bother, it's unbreakable," Rusty said.

"I'll get out of here! I'll kill you!" she screamed.

"You are in the underground capitol prison of Haven, you are never getting out of here," Mychal assured her.

"You can't keep me here! I need sunlight to survive!"

"That's what the lamp is for. Artificial sunlight, made by the head scientist of Haven himself," Rusty exclaimed.

"Oh, look at me! I'm not killing anyone, I'm such a good guy," she mocked. "Like I said before, you're just a scared little boy. A scared little boy who feels guilty for killing in cold blood." She looked at Mychal. "I bet he didn't tell you. A nihil killed some of his friends after gaining his trust. He tried, oh so hard, to 'save' them. But he couldn't. He took his inhibitor out and killed her."

Rusty was looking down in shame.

"Not to forget that Pyrone's parents killed my mother. The last thing she told me was, 'Be strong Zoe. Stronger than anyone.' You treat me like a monster, yet you surround yourself with killers."

"Let's go, Rusty," Mychal said noticing his expression. They walked down the dull, dimly lit hallway to the elevator at the end, ignoring Zorania's threats.

The first half of the ride up was awkwardly silent until Mychal said, "Don't let her get to you."

"But she's right. I did do that," Rusty said, is voice choking up.

"Yeah, you did. But you're still better than her. You have the ability to change, and you did. She stayed bad."

"But I lost control! It can happen again!"

"Rusty, you have to believe in yourself. There's nothing stopping you but yourself. And you'll have all the support you need from your friends."

Rusty wiped his face and nodded. "Let's just beleave this place."

That pun was so bad, Mychal couldn't help but to laugh.

"Made you laugh," he chuckled.

"You seem to always know what to say," Mychal admit.

The elevator door opened, allowing them to walk into a much more comfortable looking room, complete with warm rugs and soft couches.

"I'm sure you have some questions before we leave," a newly composed Rusty said.

"I do. Who is the leader of Haven? Why do you have such a scary prison? What exactly happened between you and the killer who looked like me? Are you a guard here or do you just help out? And, who made your inhibitor and how does it work? Those are all my questions, but you don't have to answer them."

"Wait, really? You don't want any answers?"

"I don't need to know everything. My curiosity took me far enough today."

They walked through the room and out the double doors that let them out the capitol building. Outside, they were met with the moonlit night once again. Standing around outside was Pyrone, Lydia and Walter talking, Percival, Grace, Neil wearing a cast, and a single Florite.

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