remember it. Ep 4

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Wednesday 7 November 20xx
06.45 Am

Today was just like a normal school, well not really to be honest. Mina was putting her books and her other stuff into her bag. She was kinda stressed because she's trying to remember something important.

She sighed. She picked up her bag and put on her shoes. After she did, she went outside and started to walk to her school. While walking she is trying to remember what she forgot, Again. God what is it... she thought to herself over and over again when someone touched her shoulder, it was Chiyoko Hide one of her best friends.

"Oh god Hide you scared me." Mina said and put her hand on her face. "Haha sorry, where is Alex and the others by the way?" Hide asked while they continued to walk to school. "I don't know don't ask me Ask them.", Mina answered and look above her and see the beautiful sky.

Once they arrived at school Mina went to 6A while Hide went to 6C. "Oh hey Mina!" Alex greeted while waving, Felix and Ashley are already here too. "Oh, Hoi.", Mina Greeted too. Mina went to her desk and placed her bag into her chair.

When Mina sat down she realized that the three of them were reading a book, and she's really curious about it. "What are you guys reading?" Mina asked while she's trying to look at the book closer. "Oh this? It's a legendary book that we borrow yesterday. And we found out about you in this book!"

Alex answered and showed the page about KitsuKuma (kitsune Akuma) to her. "Oh yeah, how many people did you tell about my real Identity...?" Mina asked quitely since seh doesn't want everyone to know.

"Well i told Felix,Florie,Classy,Carol,Hide,Itoshiki and Hatashi!" Alex whispered, Mina sighed that it wasn't a lot of people. "Why did you guys borrow it this book by the way?" Mina asked again, "oh well we want to know about other things like creatures,powers and kinds of Element powers!" Ashley answered.

While Ashley,Alex and Felix is reading the book Mina is still trying to remember what she forgot.

Before Mina tried to say something the bell rings and Ashley went out of Mina,Alex, and Felix's class. Alex and Felix went into their chair and they're still reading the book. Infront of Mina is Alex and Felix, and Next to Mina is Florie.

"Hey Mina, You went to D.E base 3 days ago right?", Felix asked while searching a random page. "Yeah, why asking?" Mina answered but she asked back. "Well all of us (Mina's bestfriends) were actually really curious about your mission there." Alex answered and turned around to Mina.

Mina was surprised that they asked about Dark Eagle. "Well the mission was quite hard but my team met someone and it seems that he is related to Zenn." Both of their eyes widened. "Zenn? How did he suddenly got someone to help him?!" Felix said and closed the book.

"I don't know, but now i'm afraid there is more than one person." Mina said and pulled out her math book. "I wonder what Zenn want from us..." Alex said and began to worry a bit. Mina sighed and opened her notebook to write some stuff. "You know it's better if we change the subject now and talk about this more later."

Alex and Felix nodded and they started to talk about other things now.

After school...
"Uurgh.. i just wanna sleep.." Hide yawned and stretched her arms. Mina and Hide are now going out of their classes and going outside. "Did you sleep or..?" Mina asked, "well i did sleep but i just felt so tired all of a sudden.."

They keep on walking until they got outside of their school. They decided to sit on a bench since they don't know what to do. "Oh hey you two", Someone said, when Mina and Hide turned around they saw Itoshiki and Hatashi.

"Oh hey i see you guys haven't go home yet.", Hide said, "well actually we were about to go home but we saw you guys" Hatashi answered.

All of them are talking about random stuff but Mina was just busy trying to remember.
She tried to remember over and over again but she gave up. "Guys, i'm gonna go home see you tommorow." Mina said and walk away.

While on the streets Mina was pretty sad that she couldn't remember, "I think i should reduce playing my phone...", Mina whispered to herself quitely. But she bumped into someone, "Ah i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention when i'm walking.." Mina apologized but somehow the person who she got bumped into was kinda familiar.

"Oh it's fine but,", he suddenly got closer into Mina with a serious look, "you look familiar like in uncle Gesshin's picture...", he move away from her a little bit. "Uncle Gesshin? You mean Gesshin Torachi?", Mina's eyes widened, the other person was surprised too.

"You know him?", he made a serious look again, "yeah! I know because i used to train with him..", Mina cut her words and remembered everything now.

"Years ago! I know now! I have to train with him again Today!", Mina yelled and her sadness is gone. "Oh, So you are the person Uncle has been looking for, i've been told to look for you."

Mina nodded a bit and got a little confused, "what's your name?", Mina asked, and the person sighed. "Kuroshi Yamada.", He answered.

"Oh, i'm Mina Avourine.", Mina told him, but he was quite. "Okay, let's go before it gets more dark." He said and started to walk, Mina nodded followed him.

"It's been a long time since i trained with uncle Gesshin.." Mina said quitely and looked down.

To be Continued

To be Continued

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