Unexpected, Ep. 8

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After the loud explosion the two of them hide in the back of a building. "Where's Hatoru?!" Realizing that Hatoru wasn't with them, they checked the spot where the explosion came.

キツネの神: 夢
Kitsune No Kami: Dream.
Chapter 8

"Ugh..." Hatoru is lying on the ground near Zenn. He looked up, "you..." feeling that he was called Zenn turned around "Oh, so there is three of you. I feel sad that they left you behind here. Not saving you..."

Seeing Zenn's smirk Hatoru felt angry and punched Zenn on the stomach. "Ow... that hurts... well actually, that's nothing." Zenn grabbed Hatoru's neck and choked him to the wall.

"Agh..!!" The pain hurts, it really does. "Please... don't kill me.. i.. I HAVEN'T EVEN CONFESS MY LOVE TO THE GIRL WHO I LIKED FOR SO LONG..!" Zenn giggled on that. It sounds so stupid.

"Take this!" Running towards Zenn, Kuroshi slammed a pipe at his Head making Zenn fall to the ground. "C'mon!" Kuroshi grabbed Hatoru's arm and ran away to where Mina is.

"Aw, i wish i could feel pain. Cause that feels nothing."

While waiting for the boys, Mina tried to control her spirits and powers so if enemy appears, she could attack them without panicking.

"I hope those two are fine..." Mina sighed but she got startled a bit when a few rocks fell above her. When she checked it was-

"Yo it's been a while" blonde haired, tall, muscular and pretty handsome if he were real. "You...!" Elliot smirked while looking down. "Oh, and should i tell you my name again?" Filled with anger, Mina's body are burning. Mina prepared for her attack but stopped immediately.

"Hm? What's wrong? C'mon attack me it's easy ya know." Teased by that bastard, Elliot, Mina grabbed into her jacket holding her anger in. "Now i realized why you have strange Aura." Mina released  a fire element to Elliot and quickly ran to where Kuroshi and Hatoru.

Looks like Hatoru's energy has been sucked up by Zenn back there. "Mina, what happened?" Asked by Kuroshi whose helping Hatoru to get up. "It seems like Zenn has a few comrades. They must be hiding somewhere near."

"And listen, i've found one, he's Elliot. He has blonde hair and he's pretty tall so watch out." Mina looked at Hatoru and started to think about something. "Oh! And about Hatoru-san, i'm gonna call my spirit animal. Hakku!"

"What is it, Rin?!"
"I need you to carry this guy. And please protect him, if there are any enemies, attack." Hakku nodded "yes, Ma'am." After that Kuroshi carried Hatoru to Hakku's back and so he fly to somewhere safe.

"Now let's take care of this." Mina nodded and they split up.

Footsteps were heard, and she kept on continuing the documents. "Hey Kī, are you really gonna stay here? Why not watch us beat those kids up?" Zenn sat beside her. Kī got a little destructed by him and she closed the document. "Zenn, sir you know i am busy. Maybe you should continue your Own business."

He smiled hearing those words. "Aaww i feel an aura of l-"
"Oi annoying leader! Elliot is taking too long, let's go already!" ----- yelled out loud. "Shut up c-o-- you're making my ears bleed with your Loud voice-"

"Haaah? That's just your own opinion, J--l--a! All you think is about nonsense!"
"You little!" The two of them argued.

"That's enough. If you wanna go then leave now." Hearing those rough voice of Zenn the two nodded then leave right away.

"Good luck."

While searching for the enemies, Kuroshi ran all around the buildings to find if there are any enemies around. He looked around but found nothing but an empty alleyway. He decided to rest after running around since he has Asthma.

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