Comeback, Ep. 7

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"I'm going now..." Mina closed the front door as she slowly walk to her school. "Yo, Hiro there's nobody home what if people acts like you're crazy or somethin" Kitsuroi was flying as a spirit infront of her. "Well i just miss my parents and my big sister, i really wanna tell a story about life..."

Kitsuroi looked into Mina's eyes and she is tired as heck. "I thought i remembered them saying 'call us if you miss us.' yet you never called them am i right, Mrs. Mina Hiroki?" Mina sighed in a rough tone, she couldn't sleep last night.

Mina was lying on her bed, eyes are open and mind is full of everything. She don't know what will happen tommorow since the strange feeling is getting stronger. "I hate this..." Mina face the wall as she tried to calm down. "I wonder what being a normal human is like..."
She suddenly felt Kitsuroi's telepathy. "80% humans wanted to be like you and like other Ax-humans. They never felt what it's like to have special powers and others."
"I know you're tired of being an abnormal human. But you were born for a good reason, maybe one of them is saving everyone from that bastard Zenn."

Mina knew she have to be always strong. Then Mina heard footsteps from behind and it was Chiyoko and Alex. "Mornin' Mina" Alex greeted and Mina smiled. "Yeah, morning" and so the three of them walk together to school as they talk about animes. Pfft weaboos.

"Oh yeah, do you know that Bakugou is so hands-" OKH-!
"Mina all you do is talk about Bakugou oh Bakugou you are my one and only, kyaa!" Mina is getting pretty annoyed now. "Yeah, like Bakugou knew someone like you existed"

"Why do you guys do this to me..."
"Hey, Chiyoko that's some savage words there"
"Thanks yo"

キツネの神: 夢
Kitsune No Kami: Dream.
Chapter 7

After the three arrived at their class they immediately sat on their seats and do their own stuff. "Hm... i wonder if you can teleport to the Ax-world without a portal" Mina tried to flip her pen yet failed.

"Why did you suddenly ask that?" Alex ate a mint candy while writing calligraphy stuff. She grabbed her pen, "I don't exactly know, but i feel like i needed to talk to mother of light about something..."

Felix turned around after hearing their conversation "i wish i could go to Ax-world again... i really want to know a lot about that world... such, interesting..."

"She's shining..."

"I've known her for years yet this is the first time i seen her looking like a nerd..."

"Well the bell is going to ring soon, let's get ready before the class president and the homeroom teacher comes.." Alex prepares her books and pencil case and put them on her desk, so did Mina and Felix

After the class president prepares the class everyone sat down on their seats and open their books.

The other day...

"Mina-san, there's something i want to talk about one more thing..." Hatoru ran to the two kids. "Huh? What is it?" Mina has a feeling that it's related to supernatural. "Uh..." or IS IT a confession...

"I've been wanting to know about that guy called... Zenn"

Shocked, Mina was surprised knowing that Hatoru knew about zenn. "Oi, Torachi-"
"I know you're surprised but,"

Shizaku appeared behind Hatoru biting into his uniform. "Ah i see, sorry. Let's meet again tommorow"
Seeing Hatoru saying that with a small makes him look like a fluffy donut. "Well see ya tommorow!"

"Hey why do you look so sad like that?" Kuroshi asked Mina with her face down. "I... thought he was going to confess his love..."
"....." Kuroshi sighed hearing that then pulled Mina until she gets better.

"She's still 6th grade..."

Ding dong...
"OOOUUHHH FINALLY!!" Alex finished her math exercise in time. She quickly gave her notebook to the teacher then jumps with joy. "Hey Mina how do you finish so quickly? DON'T TELL ME YOU BECAME SMARTER?!"

"I knew nothing so i wrote back the questions as the answer." Alex's expression changed quickly from hearing that. "I'm dissapointed having you as a friend."
"I know."

"Uhm... let's just go outside since it's already time to go home..." Felix tried to make peace yet failed, she grab the two of them and drag them out.

"Hey all of you, eh? What's with the expression?" Ashley noticed Mina and Alex's face are full of anger. "Hey you two,"
"If ya keep fighting like that i might slice your neck and cook them into a deliciou-"

"That's enough..."

Remembering the promise, Mina quickly head back to the three. "Ah by the way i really gotta go, i forgot about social homework so i gotta finish it, bye!"

Mina ran as fast as she can out of the school. But Alex noticed something "wait... didn't she already finish the social work yesterday?" Felix realized, "now that i think of it... yeah-"
"What if?!"

It is almost near 4 o clock, Mina still ran and ran. An empty alleyway, that's what Kuroshi said. After a while Mina found the two teenage boys. "That took a while, you almost got me suffering."

"This aura..." Mina started to shiver looking at Kuroshi, he looked... pissed. "Hey Mina-san! Did you know? Me and Kurochi are in the same school!" So that's what he was pissed about... "So WHAT? Would Mina even care about that?!"

Mina started to giggle at them. "Ehem, so Hatoru, what is it you need to talk about?" Realizing the serious tone, the both stopped arguing at each other.

"Yeah, so. About that Zenn guy. I accidently heard grandpa saying that he was used to be a human in this world." The two was surprised. They always thought that he was just an ordinary evil creature. "But..."

"14 years before he was born. It said that he was turned into an Ax-human for 14 years." They got even more surprised.

"I didn't really want to spread that information though. But it's a serious info." After he said that the sky turned dark red. "What the-"

"That rumor sounds soooo bad."


"Mina!" Kuroshi grabbed Mina and saved her from the large explosion. Mina started to cough because of the smoke. "You alright?" He checked the girl next to him making sure she's fine.

"I guess

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"I guess..."

When the smoke start to dissappear they saw an appearance in front of them. Mina tried to look closer,

"Long time no see akuma-chan"

"Zenn you bastard..!"

To be continued.

Let's wish that this Corona Virus would end soon.

キツネの神|Kitsune No Kami S2 夢Where stories live. Discover now