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Deep in to the dark side of Saint Soleil, a man barely 25 dragged his feet in to a building nobody spoke of. He was tall, sickly skinny, his blue striped business short tangled in itself and his navy tie loosely flopped to the left side. The bags under his eyes were rimmed red from his constant rubbing, it rid himself of the exhaustion that plagued him. He walked up to the closest table and placed his last bills on to the soft velvet, took the chips that the young man handed him and sighed. 
"Think you'll win tonight, mister?" the tender smirked while he shuffled the cards in his hands for the next game.
"I need the money" the man scoffed, his face strained and seeming long. The tender shook his head and handed the players their cards one by one. The other men that surrounded the table were polished, flawless suits and perfectly style faces, and they stared at their competitor with the pity they felt seeing his dead-like appearance. Of course they didn't dare speak to him and turned back to their cards; however the man had become somewhat of a regular without any bit of reward. He rubbed his face roughly, almost stretching the skin that barely clung to his bones. 

Minutes had felt like hours while he watched the little bit of money he barely survived off of disappear. By the end of the night, in more debt than he could survive, the man pleaded and begged. Desperation stained his face just as much as the facial hair that made him look more the pathetic part. The tender shook his head sadly, this was the part of his job he hated. 
"I'm sorry I have to do this, buddy" he whispered softly before lifting his head and nodding towards a gruesomely large man dressed all in black with a silver wire swaying on the side of his face. Looking back, the man's desperation turned to fear seeing who came for him. He tried to run, they all try to run, but he was cornered and broke. 
"C'mon guys, we're all friends" he shook in his skin as they surrounded him. The guards didn't say a word as they held on to each of his arms and steered him away from the staring crowd. Machines stopped their noisy binging and tenders attempted to regain the attention of their customers. 

Upstairs on the highest level, the man stood facing the owner of the building; among other things. 
"You're in debt Grey" he said, taking a long haul from his fat cigar and blowing it aggressively across the room. He held the man's eyes, that were filled with distance and trembling terror. He tried to speak but when he opened his mouth, not a single sound left his lips. At the desk, Mister Tremble, the building owner was tapping his chubby fingers against the wood; growing more and more impatient. 
Thinking back on his life, the man closed his eyes and wondered... where had he gone wrong... but the answers wouldn't come to him. He wished for quick justice, but it never came. 
"Mister Tremble!" a new voice entered the room, making his eyelids pop open in relief and surprise. 
"Maxim Rumples..." the owner said a little too slowly. He squinted his eyes, not to see however, but in irritation. 
"How may i help you" he continued, anxious to get the man out of his office. Maxim walked in and stood beside the debted prisoner, sure to lose his life. He bent over and whispered softly in his ear.
"What will you give me for the gold you desperately need" his voice was soft, yet firm. His suit was tight, comfortable, and his tie balanced out the outfit perfectly. He had slicked back his hair in an attractive fashion and smiled as if the sun itself gained power from it. The man trembled furiously beside him.
"I have nothing" he said sadly, knowing the outcome couldn't be remedied. 
"Your first born daughter" Maxim whispered back, his smile still strong upon his lips. The man nodded, with a gulp, after all what were the chances that would ever happen? 

Maxim turned to Mister Tremble, nodding with respect.
"My friend here can pay you off" this gained a hearty, loud laugh from the man at his desk. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he forced himself to stop laughing. Maxim dropped a bag of pure gold on to his desk and offered him the legendary smile.
"That should cover it" he simply replied. While Mister Tremble awed and rummaged through the bag, Maxim took the man's arm and steered him out of the office, then out of the building. He opened the door to a car waiting outside and helped the man inside.
"You will get all the gold you could wish for, but do not forget of our arrangement" the man nodded, happy for the first time in longer than he could remember. Maxim closed the door shut and the car drove off, perhaps to the future the man had only dreamed of.

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