So basically I don't know if I'm going to publish this but I just need to rant / write to calm my nerves and maybe get myself to see a need outlook.
For the last few months each day has been a constant struggle. Everyday I get more and more depressed and paranoid.
It's actually hard to find things that make me happy anymore. I can't seem to find happiness in things.
The other day I fainted because I can't eat anymore. I eat really sad when I eat just the siltiest but if food.
Also I've been having these hallucinations about the walls around me bleeding, seeing dead family members and people melting.So while all this is happening I need to take a break for my poems , my books and life for a bit.
I hope to be back in around a month. And I hope everyone is feeling great. Everyone who has read my books, j love you so much and it really means a lot to me!!
Lots of love 💕,