13.) Friendship Confusions

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“Ha! I win. Again!” I teased for the fourth time. We’ve played Call Of Duty four times, and I’ve beaten Kale four times.

He rolled his eyes. “You’re such a sore winner.”

“Maybe you’re just a sore loser.” I teased with a grin, turning off the Xbox in the game room and standing up from my bean bag chair.

“Says the girl who lost almost every game of air hockey.”

“Key word being almost.” I sang.

Today has been pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. Okay, let’s flash back before I continue to explain my incredible happiness:

“Let’s call it a tie.” I whispered.

He smiled against my lips and I felt his body above mine ripple with a soft chuckle. “Good idea.” He whispered, ducking back down. And once again, his lips were on mine and I eagerly kissed back. Then, I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip lightly. That’s when I panicked. And if you know me, you’d know that me and panic don’t go well together.

“Wait.” I whispered, nearly ripping my lips away from Kale’s.

He readjusted himself above me, it apparently never occurred to either one of us that we were still lying in the hallway outside of the game room. He gave me a questioning look and waited for me to continue.

“I-I can’t do that. That whole tongue thing. It doesn’t really make any sense to me. I mean, where on earth do you put your teeth? And then there’s breathing, a girl’s got to breathe. I just- I can’t do that.” I ranted in an embarrassed mumble.

When I stopped, Kale was looking down at me with an amused smile.

Completely embarrassed, I pushed myself out from underneath of Kale and to my feet as I mumbled. “And know your laughing at me, that’s just great.”

“Hey, I’m not laughing at you.” He said, continuing with that amused smile. “You’re just… cute.”

Again, I blushed an amazing shade of crimson and I desperately searched for a subject change. “Don’t think you’re getting out of Call of Duty, though.” I smirked, hurrying into the game room and claiming the camouflage bean back as my own.

So, now, here we are. Completely avoiding the topic of the kiss. Or kisses, whichever you prefer. It hasn’t been awkward, we just avoided the subject. It was becoming an unfortunate pattern, it seemed.

“It’s getting late.” Kale mentioned.

I looked out the window and saw that it was pitch black. Surprised, I pulled out my phone and saw that it was already midnight. “Woah, we’ve been in here forever.” I mumbled.

Kale opened his mouth to speak when he was interrupted by my grumbling stomach.

Slightly blushing, I chuckled. “You could have just said that you were hungry, geesh.”

“I’m pretty sure that was you.” He smirked, following me out of the game room.

“Technicalities.” I mumbled while we waited for the elevator.

“I thought you preferred the stairs.” Kale teased.

“I’m tired and hungry, the stairs can wait.” I defended.

Soon, we were in the kitchen, discussing what we were going to make to eat.

“Pancakes?” I suggested.

“Out of mix.”

“Ice cream?”


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