26.) Morning Afters

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“Good morning.” I whispered to Kale as I watched his eyes slowly opening from last night’s sleep.

He looked around before his eyes landed on me and he smiled. “Morning.” He mumbled in a tired voice. Wow, I never realized how gorgeous his tired voice was.

I turned to face him, rustling the covers just a bit. “Did you sleep okay?” I asked softly.

“Of course.” He mumbled, stretching his arm out towards my face and wiping a few stray hairs out of my face before pulling me close to him so that my head was resting on his bare chest. “Did you?”

I nodded. “Of course.” I mimicked him.

He pulled me even closer to him with his arm wrapped around my waist. “Good.” I don't think my mood could have gotten any better than it was at that moment. 

I sat up and rolled over on top of Kale, straddling his waist. I was wearing his shirt that went down to mid-thigh and was basically huge on me, with only my panties (ew, I hate that word!) underneath of it. Kale was shirtless and the covers were hanging low on his hips, but I could see the fabric of his boxers below the comforter.

“What are we going to do today?” I asked, using my fingertips to play with Kale’s bigger ones delicately.

“What do you want to do?” He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him with a slight smirk. “What if I wanted to go on a tampon run?”

“Okay, then I want to do whatever you want to do for the most part.” He added almost awkwardly.

I laughed nodded. “More believable.”

He chuckled. “I’m glad.”

“Yeah, well-“ I was interrupted when the familiar ring of my phone started blasting through the room. I looked over to my phone, knowing that it was Libby by the ringtone and groaned.

“What? Isn’t that your friend?” Kale asked, realizing my reluctance.

I nodded. “I promise you she’s going to try and confirm my virginity status.” I told Kale with a hint of pink in my cheeks. “And then I’ll lose an ear drum.”

Kale smirked up at me, a cute smirk that I loved. Well, I loved every face that he made, they were all gorgeous. “Answer it.” He teased.

I grumbled a few choice words as I effortlessly bent over and grabbed my ringing phone from the night stand. “Hello?” I asked reluctantly.

“Where have you been?” She demanded. “I called you all night last night, but you weren’t answering.”

“Sorry, I was busy.” I mumbled, earning a larger smirk from Kale’s gorgeous lips. In return I maturely stuck my tongue out at the boy in the most mature way possible.

“Whatever.” She mumbled. “How was the amusement park yesterday?”

“It was amazing.” I cooed. “We had a blast.”

“Good, so you still really like this Kale kid?” She asked.

I smiled. “Yeah, I still really like that Kale kid.” I teased, looking at Kale as I spoke. 

I watched as Kale’s face put on an offended expression and I giggled.

“Cool.” Libby chirped. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks.” I chirped. “So what’s up with you?”

“Ugh, it’s so boring here without you!” She whined. “I’m forever alone.”

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