31.) Walk of Shame

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I woke up slowly, with the heavy breaths of a naked chest under my head. I instantly knew that it was Kale and by the long, deep breaths he was taking, I could tell that he was still asleep. I slowly looked up to see that I was right and he was indeed, still in a deep sleep.

I looked over to his cable box to see the time and saw that it was nine in the morning. I was personally surprised that I was awake so early, especially with the late night last night- if you catch my drift.

I leaned over the bed and grasped his shirt in my hands, sliding it over my head quickly. Once I found a strategy for getting out of the bed without waking up Kale, I was on my feet and I was glad that the shirt covered most of my thighs. I put on my shorts before bundling my dress and swim suit in a ball of fabric in my hands before hurrying towards the door.

Most of the time, I wouldn’t be in such a hurry to leave, but today everything was different. I’d told him about my mom and that was fine with me yesterday, when we were all hyped up for the party but I didn’t have a chance to slow down and realize what I’d actually done. Now that it’s setting in, it was really freaking me out and I just wanted to get out of there fast.

I made it to the door until I cringed at the sound of Kale’s sexy tired voice.

“Holly?” He croaked.

I spun to look at his half-awake adorableness and smiled. “Good morning.”

“Are you leaving?” He mumbled tiredly. Yep, I definitely loved his tired voice.

“Yeah, I, uh, I have to shower.” I lied softly. “Love you.” And then, I was quickly out the door and down the hall. I prayed to myself that he wouldn’t question my odd behavior later as I hurried down the stairs.


“AHH!” I let out a loud scream when I was passing the couches in the living room and looked over to see a bunch of tired faces sitting around the living room. “You frikkin’ scared me.” I snapped at Ryder who seemed to be the source of sound.

He shrugged and laughed. “You’re the one walking through my living room half naked.” He called back.

“Yeah, way to make it obvious.” Grant smirked at me.

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. Usually, I would have made up some stupid, unbelievable excuse as to why I was running out of the house with only Kale’s shirt and very short shorts on. I’d find some way around admitting that I’d had sex last night with Kale. But I didn’t do any of that as I realized that it would just make me look stupid because their mind was set on the truth. I could feel my cheeks rising in heat when I saw that there were a number of people in the living room that I knew. Ryder, Grant, Jackson, Tommy, Andy, and three bimbos, stupidly sitting on the love seat like they were on the moon or something.

“Yeah, I’m going home.” I mumbled, turning towards the living room door.

“You did good last night, Holly.” Tommy called from his place on the couch. "The singing, I mean."

I muttered a thank you before hurrying out of the house. Just as I shut the door, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs faintly. That meant that Kale was coming downstairs, possibly chasing after me. 

I felt really bad about wanting to avoid him, I loved him, but I couldn’t face him with the memory of yesterday. I hurried with my quickest speed walk across the yard and towards Jackson’s house. I made it into the house without hearing the click of Kale’s front door so I hoped that he wasn’t going to come after me. I headed for the stairs and listened to my feet pad along the stairs speedily before landing safely in my room, shutting the door behind me.

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