The beginning.

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Here is just a brief little intro to the Seven Deadly Sins (just in case you didn't know, because i dont want you to get lost..)

Lust- An intense desire or craving for sexual pleasures, fame, or power. Originally, lust was used to describe an extreme desire.

Pride- Pride is described as the inability to notice to good work of other, leading to the extreme love of self and the craving of being more important or attractive than others.

Wrath- (A.K.A.Rage) Described as uncontrollable feelings of hatred and anger. This may lead to violence and/or uncontrollable actions.

Sloth- Physical laziness.

Gluttony- Over indulgence/Over eating to the point of waste.

Envy- An insatiable desire. Similar to jealousy,Because they both feel discontent towards various aspects of another being. The difference is that Envy desires to be better than said being.

Greed- The sin of excess. However,  greed can be perceived as thievery (e.g. the impulse to have nice things.)

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