Chapter 2

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"Lana! You're such a slut!" My best friend giggled. She didn't mean it in the rude way. "What makes me a slut? Because other girls say I am?" I questioned. "No. But rather because you can't seem to remember the name of the guy who just crawled out of your bed and is taking a shower in our bathroom." She said as she shot me the look. The look of 'youknewexactlywhatiwastalkingabout' look.

I dramatically gasped and put my hand on my chest. We stared at one another and broke out laughing. "I'm making some coffee. Want some?" She questioned. "No. I'm good. Mr. O'Donoghue has me doing a report this morning for his scientific method seminar, and I still have flashcards to write." I said flatly. "Okay. But it's your loss. I make a mean cappuccino." She teased. I stuck my tounge out at her and walked to my room.

As I opened the door, I saw the strangers clothes. I went over and picked them up. 'Ugh. Blood on the dance floor? Really? I had let this guy come home with me last night? How wasted was I?' I said as examining his T-shirt. I put his clothes on the bed and got ready. A pair of dress pants, a tank top, and a blazer. Not my everyday style, but it would have to work. I put my hair in a ponytail and applied the minimal amount of makeup.

I stopped for a second. I heard a deep chuckle. As I opened my door, I saw an astonishing sight. A half naked man standing in my living room, talking to my best friend, and drinking coffee. His eyes lit up as he saw me. "Well, good morning hunny bunny!" He smiled. My grandma calls me hunny bunny. I smiled weakly. My phone chimed. I walked to my purse and retrieved it. It was Sabrina. I looked over to see her, phone in hand, watching my expression.

Sabrina: Get rid of him. Code douché.

Sabrina and I have a code. Whenever we have a male 'friend' over and one of us has a problem, we send code. In this case, this guy was a douché. I nodded and slipped my phone away. After thinking for a minute I knew what to do.

"So, like, when are we gonna tell people!?" I shouted. He smiled a confused smile. "Tell people what?" I grinned. "About us, silly! I want everyone to know how happy I am. I think you are the one!" The happy, confused look disappeared, and was replaced with with a rather terrified look. "Um. I have to go get tea. For my dog. I will call you though. Maybe tomorrow?" He said getting up and going to grab his clothes from my room.

He made a beeline for the door. "Bye! I love you!" I yelled out the door. I closed it and let out a sigh. I heard slow, dramatic claps. "That. Was. Amazing." Sabrina said. "What can I say? You can't beat the classics. Men fear commitment." I gloated. I turned to walk out the door, when my phone rang. I walked over to it and read the screen. Dylan Wingfield. A recent ex. I ignored the call and grabbed my purse. I waved goodbye to Sabrina and walked out into the hallway of my apartment building.

I counted the clicks of my high heels all the way to the elevator door. 27. It was always 27. With the ding of the doors, they opened. Nobody in sight, I stepped into the elevator. Just as the doors started closing, a hand stopped them. They reopened and a tall figure stepped in. I'm 5'3, so everyone is tall to me. He was an easy 6'3 with brown hair and a small amount of stubble. I saw the tribal tattoo peaking out of his pushed up shirt sleeve. He was holding a box of porcelain cats. 'Greeaaaaat. A perfectly cute guy alone in the elevator with me for a minute, and he's probably a complete weirdo.' He looked over. "I'm not a complete weirdo, just so you know. I have my weird moments, but not all the time." He remarked. Oh my god. I said my thoughts out loud. I moved my hand over my mouth. "I am so sor-" he cut me off. "Don't be! Its totally cool. And a little cute." He smirked. He set the box down, brushed off his hand and held it out. I grabbed it and shook his hand. "I'm Landon. Landon Simons." He smiled. His silver lip ring glistened. "I'm Lana Withers. And I'm so sorry for calling you a weirdo." I trailed off. He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I would have had the same reaction if I saw someone with a box of glass cats." He chuckled. I nodded. "I'm helping my great aunt move into a retirement home, and in return, I get her place." He informed me. I just nodded.

The elevator dinged. I walked out and turned back. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Landon." I smiled. "Same to you, Lana Withers." He grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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