Chapter 3

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She questioned while pointing with her pointer finger at the now-awkward 7 angels.

"Uh-no. I do, I don't. I mean I don't." I stuttered out as I start playing with my phone again, turning it on and off for me to try and avoid awkwardness. Their faces seem familiar, but I can't be quite sure.

She watches me with my phone blankly for a few seconds before stopping me and grabbing the phone calmly out of my hands.

"This guy on your lock screen." She tells me as she turns the phone so that it's facing me. "He's the one who was next to you a few seconds ago. Jimin, Park Jimin."

I glance at my lock screen then up at the newly named Jimin, finding him giving me an eye smile. What a cutie he is.

"Nice to meet you. Park Jimin." I say while smiling back at him.

"You too. Sorry I don't think we've introduced ourselves properly." He replied courteously.

"2! 3! Hello, we are BTS!" They all said while bowing at the same time.

"Omg omg omg omg" I hear Johye muffle so I gaze over her to see both her feet jogging on the floor again with the same expression as before. I chuckle at her childish actions then look back urging them to introduce themselves individually. They got the message and began.

After they introduced themselves, I did the same, "Well, I am Ch-" I started before being interrupted. When can there not be an interruption. But, this time it was Johye's phone ringing. She picked up her phone immediately and answered.

"I'm really sorry but, I have to go. I completely forgot about a special event happening at home. Mianhe. I'll text you later and it's amazing meeting you guys though!" She quickly bowed and left in a rush.

Which left me and the 7 beautiful humans by ourselves. "As I was saying before, I am Chae Eunji." I say to keep the silence behind us.

They started to whisper amongst eachother which made me feel awkward once again.

After a few minutes of whispering, they then turned towards me and one of them started to speak. "Who do you live with?" Taehyung asked

"Actually, I don't live with anyone. I live in a small apartment since I can't afford to buy a house of my own. No one lives in the apartment I stay at, so it's quite quiet. I, um. Moved out when I was 15." I say while lowering my voice at the last sentence.

"How do you remember that?" Taehyung replied.

"You pabo! This probably happened ages ago and she lost the past 4 years only." Yoongi said a bit too stressed.

I nodded reassuring him that he was correct. "So where do you live?" The leader Namjoon asked.

I told him the address of where I live and asked why he needed it. "We were informed that you will be able to leave soon, so we decided we'd take you back. That's if you would like us to?"

I nodded again but to show him I'm fine with the choice.

"Already? Isn't it too early? This IS pretty serious!" Jimin frantically asked.

"It's been like a week, it's not that early." I hear Yoongi whine in the corner before standing up to reach a packet of chips on the coffee table then sitting back down again.

"The nurses will be coming in soon to help you with everything. We'll be waiting outside. Oh and don't worry, we'll tell you everything later." Namjoon said before gesturing the boys to head outside the door, then following behind them.

But I don't even know how I got here, when I got here and I just don't remember anything about what happened. What if they're- okay stop. They seem really caring and loyal so I don't think they'll like be bad. I mean, Unnie likes them so I guess I should too??

After 30 minutes of assuring I'm okay, and getting cleaned by the nurses, I headed outside the door with my belongings. The boys lead me to the van and we started to drive off. I sat between Jimin and Taehyung in the back row, since they wanted me to sit with them.

The ride started off pretty awkward until a familiar voice broke the silence, "So about the 'everything we need to tell you about', you ask the questions and I'll answer." Namjoon spoke out while turning his head towards me.

"Why was I at the hospital?" I blurted out worriedly. Honestly I didn't care about anything else at this moment. I just wanted to know so badly. Okay, now it looks as if I'm rude. How great...

"You had a really bad accident, where a car hit your head extremely hard which caused you to get light amnesia. We were the only ones at the scene so we called for help immediately. When we got to the hospital we were informed that you would need to have surgery and that we'd be told to come back when you are about to wake up." He says in a sorry tone.

"Wait. What about the fees and everything? Who paid for that?" I say again worried.

"Don't worry about that. We paid for everything. And no, please don't pay us back." He smiled and looked back to the front of the van.

I sent him a small smile back even though he didn't see it. I'm thankful for them, although we just met.

I started becoming more calm from all of their reassurance before I smell smoke. I scrunched my face due to the smell.

"Hyung, I smell smoke." I see jungkook nudge j-hope a couple of times.

"Don't worry! It's probably just a burnt chicken from one of the take outs. Nothing that serious." He says while rubbing Jungkook's back.

"So, that's not serious?" He points to a burning apartment ahead to where we're headed.

I looked closely while squinting to see what's happening then widening my eyes as we get closer.

"No way! That's where I live!" I exclaim really loud not even noticing how loud I was.

The van stopped right infront of the scene with other fire trucks. We got out in a rush to observe what's happening.

I suddenly remembered about all of my things inside and how it's probably all burnt up. Like my photo album of my high school friends and new friends?

My eyes started to water thinking about the memories that are now lost in the fire.

All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Jungkook out of all the boys. "Namjoon hyung wants to speak with you."

"Thanks for informing me." I say while shaking off the feelings and walking over to Namjoon.

"What did you want to speak with me about?" I ask curiously.

"I think it's best for you to stay with us for the meantime." He says in a calm tone.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that, I think it's best if we take care of you."


A/N - Oof well isn't this a boring chapter. I forgot what I was writing at the middle, so I don't know what was happening for the rest of the chapter. Anyway I apologise for the mistakes made in this if there are any.



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