Chapter 21

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 update 11/2/2012


As we pull up to infont of the house Beauty practically sprints out the van jumping over me, Harry, and Liam and ran straight to her garage. I ran after her and found her opening her car door. "Where are you going?" I asked her. "Why did you dress up today? All we had was the shoot, interview, then meeting and you usually look as bombish as us." 

"I'm going no where." She answered quickly. 

Hmm.....Ah! "You're going to see Trey aren't you!" she nodds her head and I do a little squeal "Yeah! PLease tell him today or else I will." I begged. She nodded and stepped in her car and driving.

When I walked into the house everyone was in the living room either on their phones or watching tv. When Sky realised I was there she asked "What's up with Beauty?"

"Trey." I said simply and the girls nodded in understandment. Beauty had a huge crush on Trey ever since we moved here. He was the big brother of one of the kids at the day-care so we saw him just about everyday. We were really close and he was like that best guy friend thats like a big brother. I took off my sweatshirt and threw it on the couch and headed to the backyard. We had a single basketball hoop so we would sometimes play two on two. I throw the ball.....around the rim.......goal!! I do this five more times until I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!" I shrieked and when I looked to see who it was I yelled "HARRY!!! PUT ME DOWN!!" 

He started to laugh and threw me over his shoulder while running "NEVER!!!!" We ran around the house and backyard until he dropped me on a lounge chair and plopped on one next to me. "You've gotten heavier."

I gasp faking hurt "I'm hurt! I can't believe you called me fat!"

His face turns to a shocked face when he realizes what he said then he bolted up facing me "NO! I didn't mean it like that! I meant you probably just gained a few pounds! Wait! I mean-" I cut him off laughing hysterically. When he realised what happened he slouches back down on the chair and huffs "Not funny." 

"You're right it wasn't funny. It was HILARIOUS!" I yelled falling over the side in laughter. Harry just glared at me and helped me up.

"You're weird you know that. Right?" he told me.

"Whatever." I said walking upstairs. I went to my room and changed into my purple bikini and left my hair out. When I stepped out my room I ran down the steps, past everyone in the living room, outside to the backyard and shouted "I CAN FLY!!!!!' as I canonballed into the pool. Everyone came out and watched me while I swam back to the surface. Everyone cheered and applauded and laughed at my weirdest but I just joined the laughter. 

Harry ran into the house and came back later in a pink, orange, white, and purpled srtipped swim trunks shouting "FOR CATS!!!" while he canonballed in. When he resurfaced next to me everyone started to laugh.

"What is up with your pants?!" I asked him laughing.

"You don't like?" he asked and I shook my head no. He just shrugged his shoulders then picked me up bridal style and carried me out the pool.

"What are you doing?!" I asked him. He just smiled then jumped in. When we resurfaced I splasphed Harry and he splashed back until we got into a huge splash war.

In the middle of our splash war I heard Louis shout "CARROTS!!!!!' and canonballed right between us. I laughed at his choice of words but realized it fit him perfectly.

 In ten minutes everyone had canonballed in the pool shouting something fuuny. Sky told me and May that she had a plan and we agreed to go along with it. We went all the way back to the doors then started to run, when we got a good distance away we started to do cartwheels shouting "Little Mix!!!" in unison until we back flipped into the pool. When we resurfaced they guys stared at us wide-eyed then started applauding us.

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