Prologue:The Beginning

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My name is Aliff Imran and I am a 15 year old boy from Negeri Sembilan. My hobby when I am not in school is relaxing and watching some youtube videos. My dream is to become a successful youtuber just like Jacksepticeye,Markiplier,Pewdiepie and of course my idol Lachlan. I wanted to become famous and being known worldwide. I am a fan of Lachlan since I was 13 year old and since then I watched every videos that he uploaded. I just love how he make his video so enjoyable to watch. It's not only me that love his content, my friend also watched him and enjoy it as well. I really hope to see him in person and maybe one day I will ask him to be in his youtube video.

Later that day, I was just enjoying my lunch when suddenly all of my friends keep tagging me in Instagram and Twitter and I quickly see what is going on and I read the tweet. The tweet is from Lachlan and he said that he and his team Click are coming to Malaysia to host an event. It will featured Lazarbeam,Cray,Muselk and himself. The venue of the event is at Stadium Paroi Jaya on 15 June 2019. When I first read it I was in disbelief and shocked in the same time. I also dropped all of my lunch to the ground and started panic. My mom noticed me and started to help calming me down. She asked me "What's wrong dear" and I answered "My favourite youtuber Lachlan and his team are coming to Malaysia!!!" Before my mom could even aswer my question,I quickly asked her "Can I go to the event with all my friends?" My mom answered "Yes honey, you can but you can't come back home late or otherwise your father will be very furious". I was very happy and called all my friends stated that I can go to the event. We booked the ticket also booked the seat and were very excited.

A few days later, I would go to school and met up with all my friends. We talked about Lachlan's newest video and we would quotes some of the jokes that he said in the videos. Besides talking about the videos, we would be talking about random stuff and one of my friends named Kim would talk about his favourite video games all the time because he really likes that games and got nothing to do at home. He is also likes to talk about food and is always hungry 24/7. On the other hand, I got a friend that is a crackhead named Fariz. He always made jokes about everything and everyone but sometimes he also can be serious and it's scary when he is serious because he's like a very different person. Thats a couple of my beloved friends and most importantly we all have the same dream on becoming a youtuber one day.

The long awaited day has arrived, we planned to meet at my house in around 7:45 pm and the event started at 8:15 pm. I was excited for the whole day and can't even sit still for 5 minutes. I was nervous too because what if I get the chance to see them face to face and not from a far away? I would've fainted. It's about 7:20 pm and I already wearing one of Lachlan's merch that I just recently bought and one by one of my friends started to show up. We all very excited and still couldn't believe that we will be seeing our favourite youtuber in person. My father sent us to the event by using his car. We arrived at the venue safe and sound and a little early but it's okay because there were so many things to do there such as arcades,food and we can even see people cosplay as a video game character there. It was very cool and different from other event that I've gone to.

There is still 3 minutes left for us to wait for the event to start and I can already see some fancy cars arriving at the parking lot of the event. Lazarbeam arrived first in his white Porsche. Not long after him, Muselk showed up with his purple Mercedes and after that, Cray arrived with his red Lamboghini. Lastly, Lachlan arrived with his blue Audi R8. We were so amazed by all the fancy cars that they drove and hoping one day I can drive the same car as Lachlan because Audi R8 is my favourite type of car and blue is my favourite colour. They walked out of their car and started to sign some autographs for the fans and I was one of the lucky fans that got the autograph but I got Cray's autograph I wanted at least Lazarbeam or Muselk or of course Lachlan but I got Cray's. I still grateful to have that autograph because all of my other friends couldn't got any.

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