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Sevval, @beautlies, this is for you <3




D E A R   S E V V AL   ,

You are absolutely amazing, basically. You're literally one of the sweetest persons I know, talking to you is lots of fun and I really love how we never run out of topics to talk about. You're crazy talented and your writing is brilliant. Thank you for being there for me and for being so supportive.

L O V E ,  A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   S E V V AL   ,

the moment i met you i knew there was something quite different about you (that's the beginning of a very lovely love story isn't it?) It's not just that you're extremely talented, but that you are also extremely kind - and the former is quite difficult to find in people these days. I hope that no matter what life throws at you, that inherent kindness you have continues to blossom inside you, because it is /very/ infectious.

L O V E ,  A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   S E V V AL   ,

You're honestly such an amazing person, you support everybody around you and no matter what you're always there for them. You deserve to win this because for all the times you've appreciated everybody else, it needs to be reciprocated. Now, it's your time to shine and you bloody well deserve it. I love you sev and just know that we all appreciate you so much.

L O V E ,  A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   S E V V AL   ,

Val, you're the bae <3 there are too many positive things I could say about you, you're gorgeous, smart, funny, kind, an all round amazing top notch person and your boy is one lucky lad. You deserve the best bb and so much more than you get Don't ever change your perfect self


L O V E ,  A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   S E V V AL   ,

Honestly you're one of the lovliest people on this website. You're genuine, down to earth, and you're writing is lovely. You stories are all beautiful and so are you. I'm honestly proud to know you.


L O V E ,  A N O N Y M O U S



 D E A R   S E V V AL   ,

One of the few reasons I keep going on this website is because I remember quite a time ago when you pushed me to keep going through your encouragement and support. I'm glad to have met someone as genuine as you, and I hope that Wattpad continues to make you happy and smile - because you definitely deserve it.  

L O V E ,  A N O N Y M O U S


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