letters v

383 42 4

Here's the fifth batch of letters and we'd like to thank you all, none of this would be possible without you all and we appreciate you participating in this positivity project. Please continue to send in letters to people whom you think deserve to be encouraged or appreciated! xx




D E A R   R I D A   (@shipofrogues),

We hadn't even spoken much when I had to ask you for help, besides a few messages and my comments on your stories but at the time, I didn't even know who else I could turn to because everyone in my life seemed to be turning against me. I wonder how I managed to find the courage to even ask you, but I just had this feeling I could trust you and, god, was I right.

You barely know me, merely my name and yet when I rambled on about my situation you didn't judge me for making such a big issue for a few friendships, or for letting loose my problems to someone on the Internet, you just helped me and I can't even describe the gratitude I feel for that, even now. I tend to trust people too easily and I'm far too affectionate and accepting, which caused the problems in the first place but I think I was right to trust you, because your help and kindness just managed to make me smile when all I wanted to do was cry and hate my faults for landing me into a toxic friendship I couldn't get escape from. Everyone else I talked to always used to think I was making a huge deal out of a petty friendship, but you didn't scorn and I love that. I love everything you did, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for making m into a person who has proper friends and helping me get my smile back (all my friends say how much happier I am now). I love you, your kindness and I hope everyone else sees that too.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




D E A R   C A R I N E   (@Cappuccinos),

Truthfully, I think she's one of the greatest people I've met on this site, also one of my closest friends on here. She's so amazing and wonderful, and I also think she's pretty selfless.

With popularity comes the responsibility of being able to handle all the negativity and the impatient readers and naggers and you know, the bad side of wattpad. On so many occasions she's told me how much she hates her story RTOTOG and while so many authors would just remove the story, she hasn't, because she accepts the fact she should give her readers an ending to the story.

My thoughts and words are failing me right now. but just over all, Carine is so sweet. She's funny, she's a great person to talk to, she's patient, she handles hate and negativity the best way possible, and just she deserves all the love in the world. 

and yeah, basically i love her.

L O V E , A N O N Y M O U S




C A L L I E   (@lurdane_ )   I S . . .

Honestly, I could write a whole book on why this girl deserves this, but I'll just point out the most important.

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