First Kiss

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A/n: Takes place after episode 240 or so.


" Shinichi!!" That was the only warning Shinichi got before Kaito jumped on his back.

" Kaito!?" Shinichi adjusted his arms so that he was now giving Kaito a piggyback ride.

" Did you pick the lock on the door instead of ringing the bell, again."

" Yep!!"

" Pray tell why ?"

" If I ring the bell you would know that it's me, and it's more fun this way!!" He grinned cheekily and Shinichi gave him a deadpan look.

" Only you Kaito, only you." Shinichi shook his head before dumping the magician on his couch. He picked up his cup of coffee – which he had, thankfully, put on the table before Kaito decided to jump on him – and took a sip.

" So, what do you want." Shinichi flopped on the couch beside Kaito.

" I have question!"

" Shoot." Shinichi took another sip.

" What's a French Kiss?" Kaito asked him curiously. Shinichi chocked on his coffee and began coughing violently. Because what. Kaito totally didn't ask him that. Yep. He must have misheard him.

" Are you okay?" Kaito asked him worriedly as he rubbed the detective's back. Shinichi waved away the concern.

" Repeat the question." Shinichi choked out after he had stopped coughing.

" Are you okay?" Kaito tilted his head, confused.

" No, the previous one."

" Oh!!" His eyes brightened.

" What's a French Kiss?" The magician tilted his head curiously and Shinichi made a sound not unlike a strangled kitten.

" ...W..where did you hear that from?"

" Well, some students in my class were talking about it, so I asked Aoko about it but she said to ask you." Shinichi cursed Aoko inwardly, because she definitely did that on purpose. He gazed at the magician, who was looking at him with hopeful eyes and gulped.

" ..Um..m u..ugh a f..French kiss is" Shinichi coughed in his hand and looked away.

" You don't know?" Kaito opted the expression of a crestfallen kitten. He pouted and Shinichi's hand twitched.

Kaito sighed. "I guess I'll ask Hakuba tomorrow."

Shinichi froze. Kaito made a move to get up but was startled when Shinichi grabbed his wrist and tugged him backwards. He let out a small yelp and landed on the detective's lap, clutching the front of his shirt.

" Wha- mmph!" His eyes widened when Shinichi sealed their lips together. His brain short circuited. Because wait what. Shinichi was kissing him. On. The. Lips. And Ohmygod! Shinichi was kissing him!

Shinichi put one hand in magician's hair, bringing him closer and deepening the kiss. Kaito let out a startled squeak when Shinichi bit his lip and used it as a chance to slip his tongue inside the magician's mouth. Kaito blushed in embarrassment when he let out a moan and unconciously tightened his hold on the shirt as Shinichi explored every bit of the inside of his mouth. Shinichi finally let go of the magician when their lungs demanded for oxygen and blushed at the cute display in front of him.

Kaito was looking at him with dazed, half lidded and dilated eyes and a cute blush was adorning his cheeks. He was clutching the front of his white dress shirt tightly and there was a trail of saliva was beneath those pink lips. He licked his lips. Kaito didn't know how appetizing he looked. He barely stopped himself from kissing the magician again.

" That's a French Kiss." Shinichi whispered huskily in his ear and Kaito felt a shiver run down his spine at the low tone of his voice.

" Don't ask Hakuba something like that." Shinichi growled and Kaito nodded his numbly, not trusting his words. He was again surprised when Shinichi put him on the couch and dashed out of the room.

He touched his lips and blushed '...That felt.. nice..' He hugged the pillow to his chest and lied down on the couch. He froze when he suddenly remembered something 'Wait. Wasn't that my first kiss...'

He blushed scarlet and buried his face in the pillow.' Well, I really don't mind him being my first kiss...( he was actually glad)' He smiled softly and fell asleep while thinking of how nice Shinichi's hands felt in his hair.


Shinichi splashed some cold water in face to get rid of the blush. He tried to get the image of the blushing magician out of his mind but to no avail. He groaned. He didn't think he will be able to go back there any time soon. He blinked when he remembered something. 'That was my first kiss. And according to me it was also Kaito's first kiss.' He blushed. Yep. He won't be able to go back there soon.


Shinichi entered the living room after he got a hold on himself and was sure that he wouldn't do anything to Kaito. He was surprised to find the magician fast asleep on his couch. He sat on the couch and lifted Kaito's head to his lap.

He combed his fingers through the sleeping magician's hair and smiled softly. Kaito looked so peaceful, innocent and vulnerable. Who knew that the Magician under the Moonlight was so cute? Shinichi chuckled and after a few minutes he also fell asleep while combing his fingers through Kaito's hair.


A/n: Hope you like it.

If you find any mistakes enlighten me~

Thanks for the reviews, I appreciate them~

Have a great day~

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