Turnabout Mentor

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A few years has passed, but nothing ever changed between the 2. When Miles Reached the Age of 20, he decided that he can try and mentor Li who was in need of a proper mentor, Miles was one of the big shot prosecutors, He was chosen by the cheif to Mentor Li von Karma.

Miles knocked on her office door.
He knocked once again.
at this point, he began to grow impaitient so he just straight up opened the door.

The younger one said looking through the files
"Ms. von Karma"
Miles called out
"Ms. von Karma"
Miles called again
"I won't be able to do this"
Li doubted herself
"Ms.von Karma."
Miles called again but walking toward her this time
"If I have a decisive witness....then maybe, just maybe....I get to win this case."
Li sighed

Miles finally approached her desked and placed his hand over the case file.
"What the-"
Li said, looking up
"Miles! Didn't see you there."
Li laighed akwardly.
He laughed
He asked, in the same tone when they were kids, since they were always in Law school plays, or any plays that involve Logic, they were always together no matter if they were against eachother in the play or not.

Li was taken back a bit, she let out a soft surprised gasp, but smiled
She smiled

"The court is now in session for the trial of Terry Fawles."
The judge said.
"The Defense is ready your honor"
Mia began.
"The prosection is ready, your honor"
Li smiled
"I have heard both prosecutors are taking up their first trial today, am I correct?"
The judge asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.
"Yes, Your Honor."
They both said at the same time
"Introduce yourself"
The judge asked.
"Mia Fey. 27 years old"
She smiled
"Li von  Karma-"
alot of people gasped
"Aren't you the daughter of Manfred von Karma?"
The judge asked, rubbing his beard.
"Yes, your honor"
She smiled
"Then, you're the youngest prosecutor in history!"
He exclaimed
"She's my sister and she's 19"
Edgeworth spoke up.
"Let's get on to trial now shall we?"
Li said more of a tone of demanding instead of an asking tone
"Y-yes, Ms. von Karma"
The judge said
"Ms. von Karma, your opening statement."

"Yes, Your honor"
Li started
"The victim's nane was Valarie Hawthorne, The defendant's name is Terry Fawles."
She paused
Miles looked at her like there was something wrong.
"All we need is decisive evidence to prove his innocence. Again, I'll say this, If you don't have evidence, you don't have anything"
She said, Looking straight threw the defense attorney's soul.
"Allow me to call my first witness"
She said as Detective Gumshoe
"Witness, state your Name and occupation"
Li said, crossing her arms, glaring at the detective.
"My name is Richard Gumshoe, Ma'am"
Detective gumshoe started
"I am a detective part of the Homicide team!"
He shouted
"Detective, You will now testify to the court about the investigation."
Li said, closing her eyes and gripping on her red blazer every now and then
"Y-Yes, Your Majesty"
He stuttered, intimidated by the new prosecutor.
"The murder happened on Dusky bridge, there was a picture taken by the time"
Gumshoe started

Li just had to snap her finger and the monitors appeared.
Miles snickered.

After the Trial, Li was crying as she witnessed another death right before her eyes.
"Li, You okay?"
He asked, looking over at her while they were in the court room trying to figure out what happened.
"I- Why did..ugh"
She sighed, giving up on her idea on what to say to him anymore. She stayed in the same position she was in since a while ago, trying to wipe away her tears as soon as possible. Miles just walked up to her, brushing back her hair.

"Hey, It isn't your fault, you know that very well"
Miles started.
"I know...but, he didn't have to die like that"
Li said, while facing Miles, not expecting their faces will be one inch away from each other's.
They stayed in the position until Li looked away.
"P-pretend that this didn't happen"
Li said turning really red in a matter of Miliseconds.
Edgeworth said

To be continued.

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