20 Questions

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~Namjoon's view~

Seokjin let go of me. "Is the other hand worse, the same, or better?" Seokjin asked. I sighed. "Worse." I mumbled. Seokjin bit his bottom lip. "It will be okay. I'll be fine." I said and smiled a bit. Seokjin looked at me. "Promise?" He asked. I didnt say anything. I wasn't going to make any promises until I knew I could keep them.

Seokjin frowned. "Does anyone else know?" Seokjin asked. I shook my head. "Only Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook, Mujin, and now you." I said. "Are you going to tell Hoseok and Jimin?" Seokjin asked. I shrugged. "Yeah. I don't know when though." I said and Seokjin nodded. I smiled at him. "Aww come on Princess! Cheer up! I'm still me!" I said and giggled. Seokjin smiled. "You most definitely are." He said and chuckled. He stood up and grabbed both of my hands. He pulled me off of the couch and closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips. I kissed him back. I'm not sure if it's possible to smile while kissing someone but, I did.

Seokjin bit my bottom lip. "Woah children in the room!" Hoseok said and covered Taehyung's eyes. We instantly pulled apart and looked at him and laughed. Hoseok uncovered Taehyung's eyes and chuckled. "You didnt need to see that kid." Hoseok said and smiled at us. Seokjin and I chuckled.

After a few hours we decided to play 20 questions. The original game is where someone asked you questions until they get what you're thinking right. But, we decided to just asked each other questions and if you don't want to answer it you have to drink. Seokjin would'nt allow alcohol so they just used lemon juice. "Alright I wanna start!" Jimin said and giggled.

We all looked at Jimin. "I have a question for Namjoon!" Jimin said looking at my hands. "Why do you always wear gloves?" He asked.

Hoseok looked at me. "Namjoon, you don't have to answer it." Yoongi said looking at me sadly. "No! He's curious. I understand that." I said and looked at Jimin and smiled.

"So. There's a disease that runs in my family. It messes with my tissues, and gives me blisters. If I get a fever I have to be rushed to the hospital. It's called necrotizing fasciitis." I said. "I'll show you." I said and, took off one of my gloves and showed them the blisters.

Hoseok's eyes grew wide. "How did you catch it?" He asked. Namjoon shrugged and put his glove back on. "It runs in my family." I said. "Why do you wear the gloves with the holes in the fingers and thumb?" Jimin asked. "Because I don't want to wear winter gloves." I said. "Do you have any other blisters?" Jungkook asked.

I chuckled. "Since when was this ask Namjoon 20 questions?" I asked and they didn't say anything. "And yes." I said looking at Jungkook. Hoseok backed away a little. "Is it contagious?" He asked. "No, it's not." I said and chuckled. Seokjin put his hand on my shoulder. "Can we move on to someone else now?" I asked. Seokjin nodded. "Of course. It's your turn." Seokjin said smiling a bit.

I looked over at Mujin. He was being pretty quiet. "Is something wrong Mujin?" I asked. He shook his head. Hoseok was holding his hand pretty tightly. "No I'm okay." Mujin mumbled. "Guess it's my turn now right?" Mujin asked. Hoseok looked at him worriedly,

"Yeah I guess it is."

My Princess// Namjin ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now