I Need Her

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*Cameron's POV*

I sit there and watch Kylie take Nash back like nothing ever happened. He doesn't deserve her after what happened or ever. I need her, I love her.

"Maggie can I talk to you outside?" I ask she agrees and we walk out of the room.

"What is it?" She asks lazily leaning against the wall.

"Does Kylie always forgive people this easy?"

"No I've never seen her forgive anybody this fast not even me."

"Then why is she all over Nash? Doesn't she know what he did?"

"Cameron she loves him. You saw how she tried to act like she didn't need him and she hated him she just couldn't do that."

"But she loves you right?"

"Cameron why are doing this?" She ignores my question.

"I don't know I just... Don't think Nash is right for her." I say but it's not true I know Nash isn't right for her and my reason is because she belongs with me.

"Cam she loves Nash and Nash loves her. Nash really does care for her and wants the best for her."

"Yeah whatever... I just want her to be happy." My heart feels broken but Kylie needs Nash and I need her but I want her to have what she needs. We walk back in and Nash is sitting next to Kylie holding her hand and Matt is just standing there when he sees us walk in he walks over to Maggie and puts his arm around her.

"The doctor said Kylie can go home tomorrow." Nash smiles and Kylie smiles up at him.

"Great." I say hoping she won't notice how broken I am but of course she does.

"What's wrong Cam?" She questions.

"Nothing I'm just tired." I fake a smile.

"Ok if you need me I'm here." I do need you more than anything I think to myself wanting so bad to tell her but I can't.

"Thanks." I say instead.

"So we never did get to go on that date." Kylie says turning her attention towards Nash.

"Oh yeah..." Nash says smiling I roll my eyes and Maggie elbows me in the arm she shoots me a dirty look.

"How about tomorrow night?" Nash asks Kylie.

"Nash..." I interrupt not knowing what to say next.

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