Chapter 1

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" Get up. " he's scream echoed through the empty room. His face was inches away from me, every time he talked there was a terrible smell of alcohol that fanned out of his mouth. He must have been out drinking last night. "Your late." He screamed was louder this time. I could tell he was getting mad.

"S s sorry." I stammer, scrambling up and out of bed. I whimpered a little but quickly shut up.

But as soon as I got up he kicked me from behind and I came tumbling forward. With a thud I fell hitting my head on the corner of my desk. I mentally winced but didn't show any weakness. Weakness to him was a sin that needed to be punished. I shot back up and ran out of the door.

"That will teach you to ever be late again." He screamed after me.

I ran to the bathroom, locked the door and sat against the door, as if me sitting against the door or the lock will keep him out if he wanted in. A single tear slid down my face. I would never cry I front of him because he would have beaten me more. I always keep a unemotional face but in the inside I was falling apart.

I wiped the tear away almost as fast as it had came I couldn't have my eyes getting puffy then he would have know I was crying. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and inwardly cringed I look like a train wreck. My hair was spilling out of my messy bun and my eyes where blood shot from lack of sleep. There was a cut on my head from when he had pushed me. I put on my make-up and tried to cover up the cut. I styled my hair in a French braid and put in some diamond ear rings. I walked to my closet and put on my favorite blue sport shorts and a blue baggy tank top and my blue tennis shoes. If you haven't already notice, my favorite color is blue.

"I'm leaving with or with out you in three minutes." Dad called.

"Ok!" I called back grabbing my stuff and racing down the stairs.

"Are you sure you want to drive, dad? Your still kind of drunk." I asked as kindly as possible trying not to make him mad.

"I never get drunk." He said loud and low. I could tell that he was getting mad so I let it go.


"Get out of my car." He growled as he stopped right in front of our school drive way. Doing as he ordered I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the car I barley got out of the car and shut the door before speed off down the road. Believe it or not but he had a really good job and we had plenty of money we would be fine of it weren't for his alcohol addiction. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and started walking up to my school.

I was almost to the school doors when a hand touched my shoulder and I jumped. What did they won't? I didn't do anything to make them hate me, did I. Putting on a bold face I turned around prepared my self for what was about to come.

"I didn't mean to make you made at me. I'm truly sorry. Please don't tell my dad." I pleaded. " I mean you can do anything you want to me just please don't tell my dad. He would be very angry and I don't want him angry. Please." I looked up at whoever it was pleadingly

They looked taken back like I had just done something crazy. So maybe I didn't do anything wrong. I'm such an idiotic.

"Sorry I mumble when I'm nerves." I bit my lip and looked at him finally relieving who it was. Cole Brian. Ooh I am so dead. For those of you who don't know Cole is only the bad boy of the whole school. Not to mention the hottest. But he never dated and I now that it's not because of lack of candidates. Because ton of people want to be with him, the whole school does. Well not the boys.

"Please don't beat me up. I promise that I'll leave you alone after that I'll never looks or talk to you again." I pleaded hoping he'd let me go free.

Then he did something totally unexpected he laughed, it wasn't even a mean laugh it was a nice free laugh. His bright blue eyes signed and his black hair waved in the wind. Ok that's so cheesy.

"You actually thought I was going to beat you up." He said after his laughter had stopped.

"Well you beat up everybody else." I don't know where that burst of confidence came from, but I liked it. Being free minded saying anything that I wanted out loud.

"I don't beat up girls. Besides I only beat up people that would be a even match and you my friend are not."

For some reason I took that offensive. " How's that. I'm not that weak."

"No?" He raised his eyebrows. " your tiny I'm a foot taller than you and I'm built wider. I would Crush you." He had smirk on his face.

"Try me." I was going to show him I was tougher than he thought I was.

"I already told you I don't fight girls." His smirk had faded and was replaced with a frown.

"Ooh really. For some reason I find that hard to believe." Now I raised my eyebrow.

He opened his mouth to say something but a hight pitched sound interfered. It was the last sound I ever wanted to hear. The tardy bell. Dad was going to kill me.

"Shot, my dads going to kill me." I ran away and towards my locker where I grabbed my stuff and raced to class. I had to Come up with a good excuse.

I got to the door and before opening the door still trying to think of an excuse.

"Ooh, Mrs.O'conner I'm so glad that you could join class today." Professor Greenfield said.

"I'm sorry I just got late doing something."

"What where you doing?" He raised his eyebrows.

"We where helping the science teacher with an experiment." Someone said from behind. I turned around to find Cole leaning against the door. I wanted to hug him right now. He saved me. I scooted closer to Cole.

"Helping with what?" Professor Greenfield still didn't looked convinced.

" We where experimenting with a friction experiment." Cole winked at me.

The rest of the class where staring dumbfounded at us. I know, I know the little miss unpopular is talking to mr. Hotshot. I wouldn't last long though, none of my friendships never did. By tomorrow he wouldn't even know who I was.

"Ok, take a seat." Professor Greenfield said.

"Thanks" I said before sitting at my usual spot surprised when Cole came and sat next to me.

"Thanks" I whispered to him. No one had ever done anything nice for me ever.

"What's your name by the way?" He asked. Go figure he didn't even know my name.

" My names Hester." I smiled softly. This was the first time in a long time I had talked to someone that didn't want to hurt me in some way.

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