Sorry, Not Sorry

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The Doctor walked into the console room and started pushing buttons, he figured that he could take Rose to watch the London Olympics of 2012 and propose to her while they were there. He thought that he shouldn't overdo things and that this would do just fine. He just started programming the course when Rose walked in.

"Morning Rose." The Doctor said as he turned to her.

"Morning Doctor," Rose answered and gave him a kiss.

The Doctor turned back to the console and programmed the course.

"Ready for our next trip?" he asked.

"Do you need to ask?"

The Doctor beamed at Rose.

"Where are we going?" Rose asked.

"Oh, you'll see."

Rose smiled at him and he couldn't help but smile back.

"Here we go!" he said as he pulled the lever to materialise. The TARDIS landed with her normal shuttering. The Doctor grabbed his coat and opened the doors and took a step outside, only to be met by a wall.

"Hah." He proclaimed, then he went back in and closed the doors again.

"The wrong planet, it has a deadly atmosphere, good thing that I'm a Timelord, that saved me, humans would be dead within a second, let's go somewhere else ... preferably safer." He lied and smiled at Rose, who just laughed at him.

"Or, you just don't want to admit that you can't parallel park?" Rose answered who had seen the wall as well.

His smile disappeared. "Oi! You try it." He answered indignantly, earning him a laugh.

He sulked as he was turning the TARDIS. She landed with another jolt and he opened the door again.


They decided to spend 2 days watching the Olympics. After the Doctor had mentioned that they were going to the thirtieth Olympiad, Rose figured that it would be a good moment to tell him that she was pregnant, just like The Doctor had figured that it would be a good moment to propose to her. Both of them were extremely nervous about carrying out their plans.

Fortunately, the trouble with the Isolus managed to distract both them from the task that they still had to do. But after saving the day and sending the Isolus back to its family, both of them quickly became nervous again. The only reason that neither of them noticed that the other was acting strangely was because they were both too busy with their own mission.


The Doctor and Rose entered the TARDIS laughing.

"You were right, Papua New Guinea indeed surprised everyone in the shot put, I just didn't expect that he would lose his footing and fall, nor did I expect that he somehow still managed to throw it 21.73 meters while falling!" Rose said.

"And gaining the Bronze medal in the process." The Doctor added.

"Anyway, I really enjoyed the Olympics, we should do things like this more often," she said and then smiled.

"Oh, yes." He agreed.

Rose yawned. "I'm going to bed, you coming?"

"Uhmm, no, there's something that's malfunctioning and I need to fix that, it will take some time so don't wait for me."

"Okay." Rose turned and went towards her... their bedroom.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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