Chapter One

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Lillian Reid sat on the uncomfortable wooden train bench and stared out the window near her right shoulder, watching the eastern Ohio landscape roll by. It was still difficult to believe she'd actually done it. For the first time in her life, she'd taken hold of her future and abandoned the miserable remnants Richard left her with when he died last month.

Her heart raced with fear, and giddy excitement as a world full of endless possibilities opened up before her. Suddenly, the sharp squeal of the train's wheels pierced the air as the brakes were applied. Several passengers looked around expectantly as they waited for the reason for the unplanned stop to be revealed.

In the next breath, several women started screaming when rough-looking men with bandanas covering the lower portions of their faces and hats pulled low over their eyes, boarded the train, and drew their rifles and pistols.

"THIS HERE IS A HOLD UP," one of the men shouted. "No one play the hero; I got an itchy trigger finger and plenty of know-how to put a bullet in ya if ya dare." He scanned the car, signaling the twelve men behind him. "We require several fine lookin' women, and all the jewelry and valuables you have on ya."

The men moved down the aisle, training their weapons on passengers, taking by force what they were unwilling to give freely, and pulling women from their seats as their leader directed them to the ones he wanted.

Lillian watched, panic-stricken, as the leader motioned to her. Seconds later, one of the men hauled her from her seat and forced her over with the other women huddling together. Three men quickly tied the women's hands together, wrapped a cloth around their mouths, and forced them to wait at the door.

A male passenger suddenly stood, pulling his gun on the men who tried grabbing his wife. The leader shot him without warning; blood spurted from the hole in his chest as his body slumped back to the bench. The woman screamed hysterically, fighting against him as he dragged her into the aisle and shoved her toward Lillian.

"LOOK WHAT YA MADE ME DO," The leader yelled, backhanding the screaming woman. "I told ya what would happen, and I'm nothing if not a man of my word."

One of the men stuck his fingers in his mouth and let loose a shrill whistle; getting the leader's attention, he motioned to all the terrified women they'd gathered. The other men nodded to the leader as they finished picking the last of the passengers' valuables.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen," He tipped his hat to the crowd, "thank ya for yer time and patience. My apologies for the disruption, we'll be taking our leave now." He motioned for his men to prod the women off the train. "Don't try to follow us, I'd hate to have to send more of ya to share the sorry fate of that feller there," he grinned. "Have a nice day now, ya hear?" Jumping from the train, he quickly mounted his horse.

Taking aim with his pistol and emptying the remaining rounds into the train, laughing wickedly as screams from the passengers inside reached him. He kicked his stallion forward, following the other men who had already left at a fast gallop.

As the days turned into weeks and no escape or rescue was in sight, Lillian tried not to cause any trouble or bring any unnecessary attention to herself. A few days after being abducted, one of the men named Willis tried having his way with her, but she'd scared him off by lying about having the clap. She didn't even know what the clap was, only that it wasn't desired when bedding was on the mind.

It seemed to work because none of the men had tried anything since. But tonight was different. The outlaw leader, Walker, was keeping guard, and he'd been taunting her throughout the day, saying he had plans for her once everyone was asleep.

Hoping he was bluffing, Lillian curled up on her side as best she could and prayed that he would forget his vile promises and go to sleep. She should've known better.

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