Chapter Nineteen

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Lillian sorted through the bolts of fabric on the table, visions of the clothing she'd be making flitted through her mind until she decided on the red and violet calicoes.

Picking them up, she turned to look for matching thread and saw a man pass outside the large storefront window. Thinking he seemed familiar, she walked to the door and looked for him as an icy cold dread prickled down her spine.

"Mrs. Weston," Mr. Williams called from behind his counter, "Would you like to purchase some of those calicoes?" he motioned to the bolts of material she still held in her arms.

Glancing down, she shook her head and approached the counter, "Goodness, I'm sorry, Mr. Williams. I thought I recognized someone outside." She looked at the fabrics in confusion. With her mind completely scattered, she blurted out, "I'll take thirty yards of both."

Moments later, Charlie brought her items up to the counter while Lillian searched for Paul and Kitty. She clutched the brown paper bundle of material tied with twine under her arm and walked to the furthest isle.

"Paul, Kitty? We're almost ready to go," Lillian called, walking down each of the three aisles as she looked for them.

Straightening a shelf with several pairs of shoes, Mrs. Williams stated, "I saw them sitting on the bench outside, Mrs. Weston."

"Oh, thank you," Lillian smiled and went back to Charlie, finishing up paying for her items, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I just want to look at this..." Charlie strode over to a chest of baby items, "How much for this, Mr. Williams?"

Lillian ignored Charlie and walked outside in search of Paul and Kitty. She turned to the bench but didn't see them there. Forcing her worries away, she walked to the corner of the building and looked down the short alley, chewing her lip when she still didn't see them.

"Paul, Kitty!" she called, trying to keep her voice steady. There's no need for alarm, she told herself. They probably just wandered down to look at the new litter of puppies Mrs. Richardson's dog had birthed several weeks ago. But, Lillian walked to Mrs. Richardson's small home a few buildings away and found no one there when she knocked.

Lillian headed back to the store, her heart hammering in panic. She scanned the area around her as she rushed to find Charlie and stumbled into a foul-smelling man who stood directly in her path.

"Afternoon, Miss Prissy... lose somethin?"

Gasping in fright at hearing his voice, Lillian raised terrified eyes to the man in front of her and backed away.

His hands grabbed her, hauling her close to his body.

A scream rose in her throat as she struggled to be free. But he slammed her against the building, stunning her, and clapped a hand over her mouth. "Make a sound, and I'll hurt them kids of yers," he threatened.

"You're dead... " she panted, fighting for air, "you're not real."

"Not real?" Walker grabbed her by the neck and forced her cheek against the rough wood siding, blocking her escape with his body, "I'm real all right." He pressed his filthy body to hers and ground his hips against her, "And there's the proof I'm alive." He trailed a dirty finger across the scar on her forehead, "Looks like you got yerself a new accessory since I last had ya."

His jagged fingernails pinched and dug into her cheeks when he grabbed her jaw in his painful grip. "Good thing, I don't mind scars. I've got a mind to throw yer skirts up right here and have me another taste of you. But, I'm struggling with forgiving you. Remember how you left me, fightin' fer my life?" His face loomed before her, his lips curling in a sneer, "you left me fer dead, woman, and one of these days... yer gonna regret doin' that." He pressed his nose to her throat, breathing deeply, and groaned. "You sure smell good!"

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