Ouran High School Host Club Chapter 1~

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Chapter One-

'One year' Yuka thought, 'One whole year at this place'. She sat on the grass, surrounded by students cheering as people raced by. She pulled grass out of the ground and sighed. Today was the  sports carnival, where many schools from their town came here, to Ouran Academy to race against our students, we were obviously always the best. But she really didn't see the excitement of sweaty people running around. She came to a conclusion she would rather  watch paint dry then be here. She decided to at least look like she was having a good time. She leaned forward and had a look at the race that was about to begin.

Hikaru Hitachiin was the first to capture her attention, with a blue 'O' drawn onto his cheek, he was definitely easy to spot, but then her attention drew to the tall student beside him, Mori. He looked casual, not bothering to warm up or anything. They all got into place, it was at this moment you realised how gorgeous Hikaru was, she knew it was so cliché but she was so bored. She took in his eyes, his pointy nose, strong jaw and devilish smile. His identical twin, Kaoru, not to be seen. Probably cheering somewhere at the start of the track. Those two were inseparable, at least most of the time anyway.

The starter went, and it rang through her ears for a second as the boys started running at a fast pace. It was then, and only then did she notice a piece of string dancing around Hikaru's feet as he ran. His shoelace was untied. Then, everything went slow mo. like some sort of drama movie. Hikaru tripped over his shoelace, his face twisted in surprize, as it came closer to hers. He was tripping, and falling on her. She had to get out of the way! But before her mind could even process this to her legs to get the hell out of the way, everything went black.


When Yuka woke up, she was in the nurses office. The bitter smell of medicine filled her nose as she came to. Her head had a constant dull pounding, which when she opened her eyes, seems to go away, until she closed them again did the pounding return.

"Ow.." She mumbled, rubbing her head as she sat up. She looked around the room, Kei sat next to her bed, his arms resting on the side of her bed, and his head resting on his arms, asleep. Yuka smiled and ran her fingers through his hair gently. She sighed deeply, she sort of remembered what happened. Race, Hikaru, Shoelace, tripped. She wondered how long Kei had been here for. Suddenly, without asking for entrance, someone walked in. No, six people walked in, unannounced. It was the host club. Yuka was surprized. First, Tamaki Suoh walked in, followed by Kyouya, then a short blonde, Hunny, being carried by Mori and then Kaoru, followed by Hikaru. She felt her palms get sweaty at just the look of him. He looked extremely apologetic.

“My Princess!" Tamaki began, "I am here to see how you are from getting trampled by the shady twin of ours!" he said, dramatically.

"Hey I'm not the shady one here!" Hikaru argued.

"Yeah, take a look at yourself!: Kaoru added. Tamaki looked dignified.

"No, I'm positive that's not me! Hikaru how could you hurt such a beautiful girl!?" Tamaki exclaimed, adding in a fake gasp.

"It was an accident, I-I didn't mean to…" he stuttered, it was….cute?...

"….It's fine...I'm fine…" I reassured them. This wasn't nearly enough for the host club king.

"My princess, let us make it up to you!" He began, she sighed." You may visit the Host Club as often as you like, without having to ask, you may eat as much as you like, get any host to accompany you, where ever you like!" he added with his signature smile. Yuka melted at his smile.

"Like hell she would…" Kei said dangerously, obviously awake now, "I'm not going to let her go to that, are you crazy?. You're all insane! I bet none of you could ever keep a steady relationship, I'm not going to let you corrupt my girl…" Kei sounded extremely furious. Tamaki jumped back, Mori raised an eyebrow, and Kyouya stood there motionless, the twins held onto each other for dear life.

"..Leave.." Kei spat. The host club left with a polite smile, a scared smile, but a smile none the less.

"That was so rude!" Yuka said, turning to him when they were alone.

"Do you even know what a host club is?!" he said, standing up abruptly.

"Yes! It's not like they sleep together with the girls! It's just for a laugh!" Yuka yelled angrily.

"They might be!" He shouted back, just as angry.

"Well they're not! You always overreact! I'm so sick of this!" she shouted back, " I'm sick of you making up my decisions for me! I CAN speak you know!?"

"...I only make up the decisions because you're too stupid to make them yourself!" He said, without thinking. She was speechless.

"I'm not stupid…" he realised his mistake.

"...No..I..uh, didn't mean that…" he stuttered.

"Get out" Yuka said, turning her head away from him.

"….Yuka please…" He tried one last time.

"….Kei, get.out.now" She said through gritted teeth.

"...fine, but don't come crawling back to me when you get hurt...they're horrible people. Leading girls on like that...oh, and you won't ever find someone like me ever again…" He said, trying to make himself look good one last time.

"That’s kind of the point…" Yuka said bitterly. Kei stormed out of the room. A few seconds later a nurse turned poked her head around the curtain.

"Is everything alright Ms Michi?...Is there something wrong with Mr Okarshima?.." She said, her old face creased with surprize.

"No, I'm fine, Is the Host Club still out there?" Yuka asked shyly.

"Yes, they haven't left yet, was there something you wanted?" The old lady asked politely.

"Tell them I accept" Yuka said, with a smirk.

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