Season 8, Ep 6 (Finale)

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The episode opens with Tyrion's walk through the burned streets of Kings Landing. He, Jon, and Ser Davos witness the horror and humanity of the destruction Daenerys has laid onto the innocent people of Kings Landing. Tyrion stops, and tells Jon he will proceed further on his own. Jon asks to send him with more men, as it is not safe to go alone. Tyrion declines this request. He branches off, finding his way down to Maegors holdfast, where he uncovers the bodies of Jamie and Cersi. He weeps, not for Cersi. But for the loss of the only person who had ever treated him normally.

Jon, Ser Davos, and several northern soldiers approaching the imprisoned Lannister forces as Greyworm sentences them to die. Jon attempts to stop him, and Greyworm coldly tells him to stand down, and that these are the queens orders. He draws his knife and Jon grabs him by the arm. The Unsullied level their spears and the northern men draw their swords. Ser Davos calls for calm, and for the northern men to stand down. Jon asks Greyworm to spare them, and Greyworm, clearly still feeling the violence from the fight before, tells Jon that they are free men, and have chosen to fight for the enemy- the Lannisters. Jon, still gripping Greyworms arm, turns to the kneeling men and ask them if they surrender their support to the Lannister army, and they all nod and say "aye" in agreement. Jon tells Greyworm that they don't have to die. They can join their forces, or be kept prisoner- but they need not die. He gently releases Greyworms arm, and per Ser Davos's request, continue on towards the gathering. Greyworm can be seen in the background helping the Lannister's to their feet, and looking back at Jon.
Daenerys is still fuming from her tirade and sacking of Kings Landing from the previous episode. She hardly resembles her previous, liberating self, and poses a large threat to Westeros. She assembles what little is left of her Unsullied and Dothraki, and addresses them with her plan to conquer the remainder of Westeros by force, and through fear, as that is all she has learned from her interactions with Westeros. She names Greyworm commander of her armies, and she then goes on to detail how they will reign fire and blood across the realm and beyond the seas as well. Her Unsullied, secretly weary of fighting and run down from the cold and harsh unfamiliar conditions they faced in Westeros, are crestfallen at the prospect of more war. Her Dothraki whoop and holler in their approval of reign and destruction. Tyrion steps forward, and tries to advise Daenerys to take a break from the fighting- to take a step back and reflect on her actions on the past wars. Greyworm sees this attempt at peace from aside. Daenerys looks down at him and accuses him of treason. Tyrion agrees, states he would do it again if given the chance, accuses her of slaughtering millions of innocent people, and renounces his position as hand to the Queen, and throws his pin down the stairs. Daenerys's nostrils flare, fire burning in her purple eyes, and she orders her Unsullied to seize him. They hesitantly approach, and she once again demands them to seize him. They do so gingerly, and they turn to take him to the center of the courtyard where Drogon stands waiting. Daenerys follows them to Drogon, and Greyworm and Jon follow behind her. Daenerys sentences Tyrion to die, and as she inhales to speak the word 'Dracarys', Drogon rears up, fire in his throat- and Jon shouts- stopping her. He begs for her to imprison him- just for a night. The lust for fire and blood is clear in her face, but ultimately her love for Jon wins her over. She sends Tyrion to be imprisoned.
Drogon takes flight, and Daenerys makes her way to the throne room, Jon and Greyworm following behind her. She makes her slow ascent up the steps to the Iron Throne, tells Jon about how she pictured it as a child, and turns to sit. For a moment- she is Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, sitting upon the Iron Throne. Jon breaks her moment of victory with the accusation of all the innocent men women and children she slaughtered in the streets. Still sitting on the throne, her face becomes solemn, and she recounts how she needed to rule by fear in this strange land. Jon pleads for her to think on her actions, about how millions more need not die. Daenerys grips the armrests of the throne, her face becoming twisted in anguish, and a strand of hair falling into her face as she tells him her plans to burn every man, woman, and child in this realm if it means breaking the wheel of tyranny. Jon recoils, as she now vividly resembles Mad King Areys. Greyworm visibly recoils from afar- seeing what she is becoming. She stands from the throne, walking down to face Jon, her face inches from his, and asks again, if all she is to him is his Queen. He chokes, tears up, and says no. She kisses him, and he kisses her, embracing one another as lovers. Then the sound of the knife. She grips his shoulders tighter. She recoils- her eyes full of fear. He gently lays her down, and she dies in his arms. He weeps over her, tears falling onto her face and chest. Greyworm begins to take a hesitant step forwards, but is cut off by Drogon, who screams and lands between Greyworm and Jon. Jon stands and backs away, as Drogon confirms his fear- that his mother has died. He roars, and screams, and spits flames high into the sky, and lights up the Iron Throne in a blaze of glory- melting it where it sits. He calms down, solemnly takes hold of his mother, and flies back towards his home. Towards Esos.

Greyworm, left in command of the Unsullied and the Dothraki armies, orders them to prepare the ships to return home. The Queen will stay in the West, and commands her armies to return to the East, and to live out their lives as they wish- no longer under the reign of any ruler.
The lords and ladies of the realm meet with Greyworm, Tyrion, and Jon, to address what will be done with the realm. Sam brings the group to a vote, where it is expected that Gendry stand to speak, as his father was the most recent relative ruler of the group, but he remains seated, looking at Jon. They must choose someone, and Tyrion gives a speech about bringing people together. About leading. About stories. And what better story than Jon Snows? Jon.. Targeryens. He goes on to recount Jons tale of growing up a bastard boy, fighting the odds, and leading others for good despite it. Jon says he does not want the throne, but Sam brings up that it's not up to him- it's up to the lords and ladies of the realm to decide. He gives him his vote, and one by one the others follow, and via Sansa Stark, the North bends the knee to a ruler they chose to rule the North before he was chosen to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Jon unites the North with the south (ice and fire) and takes on the role of King Jon, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Having never ruled on this scale before, Jon anoints Tyrion as his Hand to the King, valuing his experience as Hand before, and he graciously accepts, in hopes that he can make good in honor of his friend Varys, who died believing in Jon when Tyrion should have. Ser Davos is named the Master of Ships, Ser Brienne the Master of his Kingsguard, Sam the title of Grandmaester, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, Lord of Highgarden his Master of Coin, Brandon Stark his Master of Whisperers, Robin Arynn as his Master of Laws, and Gendry Baratheon, Lord of Storms End as his Master of War.
Brienne is seen writing of Jamie's conquests in the book of the Kingsguard, and ends it by saying he died defending his Queen.
Jon travels north and orders The Wall in the north to be torn down, and places Tormund Giantsbane in charge of the deconstruction. In doing this, the Wildlings are officially made a new Kingdom of the realm, north of the north, of which Tormund will represent. Sansa Stark is made Warden of the North, and is Jons second in command over the whole of the north. Ghost finds Jon at The Wall, and returns south with him back to Kings Landing. Kings Landing, having been completely demolished by Daenerys, has been totally redesigned, and rebuilt, from the ground up. Arya Stark travels up to Storms End, where she marries Gendry Baratheon, and sails off to find what's West of Westeros. Gendry awaits her return loyally.

The final scene takes place in Jons chambers, where he is sorting through scrolls and taking care of kingly duties with his personal squire and head sparring trainer, Podrick Payne. Suddenly the door bursts open, and Samwell Tarly enters the room, a heavy Maesters chain clinking around his neck, with a large chest in his arms. He claims he has urgent news, and that he must give it to him privately. Jon politely sends Podrick out, and as soon as the door is closed, Sam begins to set the chest down and brush aside lose scrolls and quills. "These were found in a cave north of Winnterfell.. and it's only right that you have them." He opens the chest, and inside are two dragon eggs. One red, and one blue.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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