Chapter 1

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I want to die.

I should just end it. My life is hell. It's all my bullies fault. There's 10 of them. Adam Johnson, Hazel Gordy, Adrian Carpenter, Will Gilinsky, Cannon Grier, Kyle Dallas, Cindee Reynolds, Isaiah Espinosa, Jordan Caniff and Macy Mendes.

I think the worst part of my life is that my mom and dad had died in a car accident when I was 15, so my sister-who is 20- has all custody over me. But she fricken hates me.


"Huh what!" I screamed. Stupid teacher knocking me out of my thoughts. "What the answer to 7?" he yelled at me again.

"Uh... Abraham Lincoln?" I guessed. "Correct" Wow! Aren't I not awesome. I'm just really good at guessing. I guess. I heard the bell ring signaling to send me to hell.

It's the end of the school day. When I get beat up. I run to my locker, shoving my things into my black jasport backpack, I slam it. Then run.

Once I got a safe distance away from the school, I slow down. But I know I won't escape. I was about to walk on the driveway of my sisters house as I heard someone yell me nickname.

"Bitch! Get over here" I groan. "I fricken hate you" I whisper under my breath walking to them.

"Alright alright. But before we do this-" I stop. I look left. I look right. I'm clear. The pier isn't that far from here. I could run. And if I keep running I'll make it there in 5 minutes. I drop my backpack. I run.

Jokes on them. Im a fast runner. Im in track, I've won first place for all races.


I can see the pier. The absolute adoring sound of people talking. And not the people chasing me.

I look behind me to see that they are still behind me. But far.


Damn it! I crashed into someone. I start to panic "I-I'm so sorry. I have to run. They're gonna hurt me. Sorry I-"

"Wait slow down. Who's gonna hurt you" I turn around. There they are. "Them" I point to the group of the worst living people I'll ever meet.

The lady's eyes widen. "My sister?" she gasped. "Cameron! Watch this girl for me. Okay?"

"Okay." A brown haired boy smiles at me. "I'm Cameron." I'm still panicking. I start shaking. He grabs my hand. "Why are you shaking?"

"T-They were gonna h-hurt me." I look back at the woman yelling at them. "Why would they hurt someone has pretty as you?"

"Stop it I'm not." I whisper. "They hurt me because I'm a freak, I'm suicidal, no one likes me, I'm just an outcast. So out of place."

"Follow me" Cameron says. It's not like I had a choice. He was still holding onto my shaky hand. "I never got your name" he says as I look back.

"I-It's Hunter" I see that my bullies have run off and the girl is heading back over to us. "Love your name."

"Thanks. Um I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you around?" I ask in a hurry. "Um... Sure yea. Bye Hunter" I walk back over to the girl.

"Thank you. I gotta go maybe I'll bump into you some other time."

"Yeah. How about I mean you here again like Friday?" she asked. "Sounds fine to me. Thanks again. See ya soon!" I yelled as I run away.

I made it to my sisters house. I had bumped into my bullies. They just laughed at me. Did I mention that one punched me. Several times.

I grab my backpack and I head up up me room. "Hey Hunter. I have tickets to go to this Magcon thing. I have no one to go with so can you come with me? I don't want to waste the ticket." She smiled. Why is she suddenly being nice to me.

"Sure when is it?" I ask her. "Tomorrow" I nod and I continue back upstairs.

I lock my door, throwing my bag on my bed. I hate life. I'm thinking about why my sister is so nice to me all of the sudden. She's weird.

I get up to take a quick shower. I have to watch what I do to my hair though. If I get it wet too much it will ruin the blue.

Then I remember that I haven't washed my hair in like a week. So I'm safe.

After my shower I put on a pair of black sweats with a white tshirt. Oh I totally forgot that I have homework. Urg!

My life sucks. It consists of waking up, getting beat up, in school for torturous hours, get beat up, homework. Basically my day.

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