chapter one | the beggining ★彡

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you are (last name) (first name), a third year at salty banks middle school. (hair colour) hair that feels like silk, and bright (eye colour) eyes that shine whenever you feel happy. you have a few friends and one of them is tsuyu asui, quirk; frog.

basically, she can do anything a frog can do. as for you, your quirk is revival. you can revive injured people, although there's a catch! they should be atleast half dead before you can heal them.

you've always wanted to be a hero ever since you were a child but because of some inconvenience, you decided not to persuade that dream anymore.

when you were born your mother left. during your elementary days your father died. why didn't you use revival you may ask? well, that'll be explain later on. you weren't as depressed as you should be when all of this happened to you because you know that everything happens for a reason.

because of that, you lived all alone. you didn't mind living alone though. when your dad died he left a message and his credit card. you asked some random people, which was dumb of you to do so because they could have stole the credit card, but fortunately you came across a very nice person. they thought you how to use it.

well, enough of your backstory. right now, you were walking alone to your house because another friend of yours who you usually walk with, ritsuchi nanoko, had to help his mother in buying groceries.

looking up at the sky, you noticed that it's getting pretty dark. 'i should hurry up before some creepy person starts following me.' you told yourself speeding up your pace.

while running, you didn't notice a little child also running towards you. you only did when you guys bumped into each other. "A-ah! i'm so sorry miss! i-i didn't mean to bump into you! i-i was just running away f-from this creepy-" you got up from the fall and dusted your skirt while the little boy was still talking. "h-he tried to ki-" you cut him off.

"hey, it's okay. here let me help you." you said reaching out your hand for him to grab. he hesitated before grabbing your hands.

"i-i'm really sorry!!" he shouted while bowing. you smiled at him and put your hands on his shoulder. "like i told you, it's okay, i didn't get hurt or anything.. well i guess apart from my bottom aching from the impact of that fall.. overall i am totally fine!" you assured him.

with him still bowing you noticed a lot of marks on his body.

"we should be worrying about you right now! what happened to you?? or moreover, w-who did this to you?" you exclaimed as you observed his bruises and injuries. your eyes widened. "are you being abused??" you asked as he removed your hands from his shoulders and looked away.

"y..yes..." he mumbled. not hearing what he said, you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. "h-huh? what did you sa-"

"i sAID NO!" his eyes widened, realizing he shouted to a person much older than him. his eyes started to water, you took notice of this and tried to calm him down.

"do you have not any place to go right now? d-do you wanna come to my house and explain everything there? it's getting pretty late too, it can be pretty dangerous out here." you weren't sure if you were doing the right thing right now. 'isn't this called kidnapping?' you quickly shook your head. 'no no no, of course not! i-i guess? i mean he is probably getting abused at home or much worse-'

"um miss?" the little boy said, interrupting your thoughts. "o-oh yeah? whats up?" he looked down, "is it really okay if i come with you...? i-i don't wanna be a burden-"

"oF COURSE ITS TOTALLY OKAY!" you shouted, a little bit loud. "i mean of course haha! i dont mind.. especially since those injuries needs some treating. come on, my house is just a few more blocks away." he smiled and nodded.

you guys started walking, "have you eaten yet?" you asked him. "u-um.. i haven't."

"GREAT! tsu-chan taught me how to cook this really good ramen recipe she and her group worked on during cooking class! it's what we are going to be eating for dinner later! i hope you like noodles"

— time skip

both of you finally reached our house. you took out your keys from your pocket in your skirt and unlocked your door handle. you twisted the knob and opened the door.

"welcome to my abode!" you chuckled, removing your shoes and him doing the same. you went inside and motioned him to come inside too.

"e-to.. is it really okay for me to-"

"yes! we're already here! come on! i'm starving and you still have a lot of explaining to do," you told him.

he entered your house and follow you to the living room. "but before that though i need to heal your injuries first, it might hurt at first though.. i'm sorry in advance" you laughed nervously as you reached for an axe in one of the drawers you own.

"h-huh?!" he gasped, horror plastered on his face as he slowly moves away from you considering you were holding a fucking axe.

"O-oh! w-what am i thinking? this is a child im dealing with i should probably use something less violent.. um.. hmm" you said placing down the axe on top of the drawer.

the little boy had it's mouth slighlty parted, looking at you with big eyes.


the boy panicked. 'i-i have to think of an plan to escape this crazy-' you turned around and noticed him sweating like crazy and is in deep thought. you were about to ask him what was he thinking until realization hit you.

"sorry! i haven't told you right? my quirk is actually revival! i heal people and i guess make them feel reborn again! although before i can do that.. i need them to be uh.. half dead first" you explained as you scratched your head. the boy calmed down a bit, a bit.

"oh.. w-waIT?! h-half dead??? you mean you have to atleast kill me first before you can heal me? hUH??"

"i mean yeah- but i swear it'll be over in like.. 30 seconds!" you said smiling at him. "b-but can you um kill me in like.. a more painless way? i really don't want to get chopped by an a-..axe..." he requested.

after 2 minutes you finally thought of how to almost make him die and use your quirk on him.

"hey come here." you said motioning him to come towards you. he looked at you with confusion as he slowly started walking towards you.

"u-um nee-cha-" before he can finish his sentence you cut him off by smacking the back of his neck, giving more pressure on the spinal cord part, with the back of the axe. he fell down, face first.

you dropped your axe and quickly crouched. "aLRIGHT! LET'S DO THIS." you said pumping your hand in the air. "YOSH!" you screamed and started to do your 'magic'.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ and i oop- ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

yAYYYYY first chapter is done, also don't worry you'll get to have some interaction with our dipshit monoma soon! also its been 20833983848922 years since i've last wrote something so i am really sorry! i recently just downloaded wattpad again hehe ('∀`*)

also chapter titles are not my thing hdjshdkshd sorry about the simple ass titles lmao

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