chapter six | fake ass bitch ★彡

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two weeks have passed and today was the entrance exam! you couldn't sleep the previous night because you we're half-nervous and half-excited but don't worry you did end up sleeping.

"goodluck (first name)-chan!! do you're best! i am rooting for you!!" you heard souo scream while you were leaving. you looked back and saw him waving at you while having a really big smile.

"thank you souo!!! don't open the door to strangers! see you!!" you shouted back, returning the gestures he gave you. you turned back around clutched the hems of your shirt. "all right! i can do this!" you ran towards the train station, not wanting to miss it.

— time skip

"wOAHHhhh i can't believe i'm really here at yuuei high! it's really big just like what souo said!" you said in amazement while looking around, not noticing a green-haired boy talking to a brown-haired girl.

"i'm sorry!" you said after letting out a small 'oof' when you bumped into one of them.

"oh it's alright!" the brunetted said while giving you a smile. "anyways! goodluck! both of you!" the girl exclaimed, while walking away.

"y-yeah!!! you too!!" you quickly replied making sure she heard. "i'm sorry! i'll be going now!" you bowed to the green-haired boy and left as well.

"w-wow, i-i actually talked to t-two girls!!"

you entered a room where all the people are supposed to be going. you sat beside a black haired girl.

"h-hello.." you waved as you gave her an awkward smile.

"hello." she replied back giving you a small smile too. before you could say anything again a loud voice stopped you.

"Everybody saaayyy heyyyy!!!" a loud voice boomed and you were about to do what the voice said but stopped since you realized the whole auditorium was silenced. sweat started to form on your forehead as you slowly put your hands down.

"uh- ok then anYways! let me explain the rules-"

after learning the rules and the name of the pro hero who explained it, present mic, you were all asked to go to your assigned battle centers. you weren't assigned with the girl who was beside you, you didn't even catch her name ( '_ゝ') so that was sad since she's the only person you've met so far aside from broccoli boy and brunette girl.

"hey! is that really you (first name)-chan?" oh no. you turned around only to be greeted by that bitch you really hated back in middle school. aya osashiki. not only because she was a fake ass motherfucker but also the fact that she used to be your 'best friend' during your first year of junior high. you guys kinda sorted it out but you still hated her guts and she probably does with you too.

"oh! hey aya!" you smiled. "finally doing something productive for once huh? glad to see you here i guess" you said, making her laugh.

"that's so funny (first name)! i was about to say the same joke! but anyways, we've been friends for already 3 and half years and i still don't know your birthday" she pouted. 'i've searched everywhere and i still can't find her records, damn this girl' aya thought while her left eye twitched.

oh, i haven't told you yet. her quirk is manipulation, it matches with her fake ass right? although she needs to know your basic info which is your full name, birth date and age. she also has to be touching the person to activate her quirk, and after that you're basically her slave. who would want that tf.

she aLSO has been told that because of her quirk she should have been better off being a villain instead but really, it's not her quirk that makes her villainous. it's literally based on how you use your quirk and what your intentions for it, and for her? she uses it for her own selfish desires.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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